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1990年10月24日至31日,林业部科技委、中国林学会组织了一次多学科、多部门的有关专家对江苏省沿海滩涂和里下河地区的复合生态经济开发现状的考察与研讨活动。这是—次非常有意义、很成功的科学实践活动。所有参加考察的专家学者都异口同声:苏北人民所进行的复合生态经济开发创造的成功经验,使人们对这个地区发展林业的巨大潜力不得不刮目相看。过去,甚至包括林业部门的许多人士,对沿海和平原河湖水网地区发展林业的生产潜力的认识和估计是不足的。但是,苏北人民在那里建设了用材林基地并实行了林粮、林牧、林渔等多种形式复合生态经济系统经营,已经产生了较好的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益。这不仅为江苏沿海和里下河地区6080万亩土地的开发利用提供了宝贵经验,同时也将为进一步开发全国沿海滩涂与江河下游三角洲的浅水沼泽地提出了方向。《纪要》概括的五条经验,很值得一读。现在的关键问题,就是要提高有关地区的人们,特别是各级领导,对以林木为生态屏障的复合开发的适宜性、重要性与迫切性的认识。 From October 24 to October 31, 1990, the CST Committee of Forestry and the Chinese Society of Forestry organized a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral expert’s inspection and discussion on the status of compound eco-economic development in coastal beaches and Lixiahe areas in Jiangsu Province . This is - a very meaningful and successful scientific practice. All the experts and scholars participating in the study spoke in unison: The successes created by the composite eco-economic development conducted by the people in northern Jiangsu have drawn great attention to the great potential of developing forestry in this region. In the past, even many people in the forestry sector were not aware of and appreciated the potential for developing forestry in the coastal and plains rivers and lakes. However, the people in northern Jiangsu built a timber-based forest base and practiced various forms of compound eco-economic system operation such as forest grain, forestry, animal husbandry and forest fishery, which had produced good social, economic and ecological benefits. This not only provided valuable experience for the development and utilization of 60.8 million mu of land in the coastal areas and Lixiahe areas of Jiangsu Province, but also laid the foundations for the further development of coastal coastal tidal flats and shallow marshes in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The five lessons summarized in the “Summary” are worth reading. The key issue now is to raise awareness of the suitability, importance and urgency of the composite development of trees as an ecological barrier for people in the relevant regions, especially leaders at all levels.
本文通过对山西省收费公路运营状况的调查思考 ,根据收费公路的特点 ,提出了四点建议。 Based on the investigation of toll road operation in Shanxi Province, this pap
Q: 这次你受邀与PETA ASIA(亚洲善待动物组织)合作为其拍摄反皮草宣传广告,广告中近乎全裸出镜,你接受这次拍摄邀请的原因是什么?  A:这是我第一次和PETA ASIA合作,也是第一次拍摄公益广告。我关注PETA ASIA有一年多的时间了,在社交媒体上也经常会转发他们的视频,跟他们做一些微博上的互动等等。  我是一个拒绝皮草的人。一直以来我有一个很大的心愿,就是为保护动物做些什么。现在很多
概述高架桥结构的选型和截面形式,细部尺寸的选定,以供今后城市轻轨交通高架桥梁设计参考。 Outline the selection of viaduct structure and cross-sectional form, the s