Ponce de Leon Discovery Florida 庞塞·德莱昂发现佛罗里达

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  Florida, the State of the USA
  美国佛罗里达州的州名来自西班牙语。西班牙航海家胡安·庞塞·德莱昂在1513年4月2日发现了这片地方。时值西班牙人称为Pascua Florida的节日,所以此地被德莱昂命名为La Florida。
  Near present-day St. Augustine, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon comes ashore1 on the Florida coast, and claims the territory2 for the Spanish crown.
  Although other European navigators3 may have sighted the Florida peninsula4 before, Ponce de Leon is credited with the first recorded landing and the first detailed exploration of the Florida coast. The Spanish explorer was searching for the “Fountain of Youth”, a fabled water source that was said to bring eternal youth. Ponce de Leon named the peninsula he believed to be an island “La Florida” because his discovery came during the time of the Pascua Florida.
  虽然其他欧洲航海家在那之前也许看到过佛罗里达半岛,但庞塞·德莱昂被认为是第一个有记载的登陆并详细勘探佛罗里达州海岸的第一人。这位西班牙探险家当时正在寻找传说中的水源“青春之泉”,据说它能带来永恒的青春。庞塞·德莱昂将他认为是座岛屿的半岛命名为“拉佛罗里达”,因为他发现此地时正是Pascua Florida节(西班牙节日)期间。
  In 1521, he returned to Florida in an effort to establish a Spanish colony on the island. How-ever, hostile5 Native Americans attacked his expedition soon after landing, and the party retreated to Cuba, where Ponce de Leon died from a mortal wound suffered during the battle. Successful Spanish colonization6 of the peninsula finally began in 1565, and in 1819 the territory passed into U.S. control under the terms of the Florida Purchase Treaty between Spain and the United States.
  1. ashore adv. 在岸上;上岸
  2. territory n. 领土,领域
  3. navigator n. 航海家
  4. peninsula n. 半岛
  5. hostile adj. 敌对的;怀敌意的
  6. colonization n. 殖民;殖民地化
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摘 要 小学阶段的学生处于学习过程中最基础的时期,因此在这个时期最重要的内容也就是培养学生进行学习的积极性,让学生产生学科学习的动力,从而在课堂中参与时,学生的状态会更好。而且这个年龄阶段的学生在学习语文学科知识时,实际上最重要的就是让学生将一些课文知识,将一些基础的字词内容掌握好。因此这实际上也体现出来,在进行教学时,借助教学方式的重要性。故事化的教学方式相信都是教师在教学时会忽视的内容,但是在