Manifestations of hepatic cavernous hemangioma in carbon dioxidedigi-tal subtraction angiography

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guangminghuayuan
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Objective: To describe the characteristic appearance of cavernous hemangioma of the liver (CHL) presented in carbon dioxide digital subtraction angiography (CO2-DSA) and to evaluate the significance of CO2-DSA in the diagnosis of CHL. Methods: Both CO2-DSA and iodinated contrast DSA (IC-DSA) were performed in all 16 patients with CHL, and the angiographic manifestations in the same patients were compared. The image quality was rated by three experienced angiographers, and the complications were also assessed. Results: There was good correlation between angiographers on image quality (R = 0. 73). Diagnostic images were obtained with both CO2-DSA and IC-DSA in all CHL patients. No difference was noted between IC-DSA and CO2-DSA in visualizing the proper hepatic arteries and its branches (P>0. 05). CO2-DSA produced better images that clearly described the tumor size, shape and margination than those by IC-DSA (P< 0. 05), but both demonstrated characteristic appearances of early opacification and persistent Objective: To describe the characteristic appearance of cavernous hemangioma of the liver (CHL) presented in carbon dioxide digital subtraction angiography (CO2-DSA) and to evaluate the significance of CO2-DSA in the diagnosis of CHL Methods:. Both CO2-DSA and iodinated contrast DSA (IC-DSA) were performed in all 16 patients with CHL, and the angiographic manifestations in the same patients were compared. The image quality was rated by three experienced angiographers, and the complications were also assessed. Results: There was good Correlation between angiographers on image quality (R = 0.73). Diagnostic images were obtained with both CO2-DSA and IC-DSA in all CHL patients. No difference was noted between IC-DSA and CO2- DSA in visualizing the proper hepatic arteries and its branches (P> 0.05). CO2-DSA produced better images that clearly described the tumor size, shape and margination than those by IC-DSA (P <0.05), but both of the characterized characteristics of early opacificat ion and persistent
常常,在降旗康男的镜头里,世界不是那么好,也不是那么坏,但H们,永远不会被一个灰暗的时代败坏。  “生命在破碎中继续,一定要穿越那黑暗,愈益深重的黑暗,勇往直前。”  这是在《爱德华的奇妙之旅》中看到的句子。基本上,这首小诗也可以当作《少年H》的题诗。电影里,少年H涉过时代的阴霾,但叫人欣慰的是,稚弱的生命没有被“深重的黑暗”撕裂,反倒趋向阔大。就像歌里唱的,一个人要走多少路,才能真正的成为一个人
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导演:蔡岳勋  主演:赵又廷、林更新、黄渤  类型: 动作/剧情  上映日期: 10月1日(内地)  海港城再遭袭击  《痞子英雄之黎明升起》的故事发生在现实生活中并不存在的海港城里,开场就是连环爆炸案席卷海港城,神秘组织启动目的不明的屠城计划。危急时刻,吴英雄同陈真组成全新搭档,并偶遇被绑成人肉炸弹、高速驾驶直冲隧道的徐达夫。三人乱作一团之时,却突然遇到从隧道口直冲而下的无人飞行器及雇佣军攻击。