奋力创先争优 建设过硬连队

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甘肃省军区某营二连,驻守在被联合国环境规划署认定为不适宜人类居住的“生命禁区”——巴丹吉林沙漠深处,担负边境守防任务。近年来,连队党支部着眼有效履行戍边使命,深入开展创先争优活动,推动了连队建设发展进步和各项任务圆满完成。持续凝心聚力,鼓足创争劲头。创先争优活动开展以来,连队党支部引导党员全力创争、官兵全员参与,确保了创先争优活动有力有序有效开展。通过深入动员启发自觉。连队党支部注重搞好传统教育,用“祖国高于一切,责任重于泰山,荣誉至高无上”的连魂教育官兵。每年新兵入伍、新学员报到、新党员宣誓,上的第一堂课是参观连队荣誉室,唱的第一首歌是连歌,开展的第一项系列活动是组织擦一次界 Second Battalion of a battalion in the military region of Gansu Province stationed in the “Forbidden Zone” - the Badain Jaran Desert, where the United Nations Environment Program has identified it as not suitable for human habitation. In recent years, the company’s party branch focused on effectively carrying out its mission of guarding the frontiers, furthering the activities of creating excellence and promoting excellence, and promoted the development and progress of the company building and the successful completion of all tasks. Continued solidarity, boosting momentum. Since the activity of creating excellent activities, the Party branches of the company have led Party members to make every effort to create the necessary conditions for their participation and the full participation of officers and soldiers, ensuring a vigorous and orderly and effective start-up of their activities. Inspire yourself through in-depth mobilization. The party branch of the company paid more attention to doing a good job in traditional education and used “even the motherland to surpass everything, and its responsibility lay above Mount Tai and its honor was supreme.” Recruit enlisted each year, new students report, the new party members take the oath, the first class is to visit the company honor room, singing the first song is even the song, the first series of activities carried out is to organize a rub
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