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女患,14岁,因间断腹胀、钠差、口苦半年余入院检查.平素体健。T、P、Bp正常,心肺无异常,腹平软,肝脾未触及,右上腹部莫非氏点区压痛明显、无反跳痛,四肢与脊柱正常.辅助检查;血、尿、粪正常,A型超声波检查;胆囊体积增大,脂餐试验胆囊收缩25%.临床诊断为胆囊炎.给予口服胃复安片5mg,tid,丙谷胺片0.2、tid,消炎利胆片,2片,tid.服药1周后,病人自述双眼无规律性斜视、继而头晕、(?)视物不清.急查眼底无病变,视力双眼均<0.1.疑诊为胃复安副作用,即时停服胃复安,2天以后视物逐渐清晰,视力恢复正常. 讨论胃复安为纹状体的多巴胺拮抗剂,有直接抑制延脑催吐化学感受区和脑干网状结构作用及促进胃肠蠕动,使胃排空和肠道输出加速,并减少或阻滞胃十二指肠液返流。因此常用于胃十二指肠和空肠功能障碍以及胆汁返流性胃炎和胆囊炎等消 Female, 14 years old, due to intermittent abdominal distension, poor sodium, mouth more than six months admitted to hospital for examination. T, P, Bp normal, no abnormal heart and lung, abdominal soft, liver and spleen not touched, the right upper abdomen does not point the area of ​​tenderness significantly, no rebound tenderness, limbs and spine normal. Auxiliary examination; blood, urine, Type ultrasound; gallbladder volume increases, the fat meal test cholecystokinin 25% .Clinical diagnosis of cholecystitis .Give oral metoclopramide tablets 5mg, tid, valproate tablets 0.2, tid, anti-inflammatory tablets, .After taking medicine for 1 week, the patient readme irregular eyes strabismus, and then dizzy, (?) Depending on the material is not clear .Electrobasic eyes without lesions, eyesight both <0.1 .Diagnosis of metformin side effects, After 2 days, the visual material gradually became clear and the visual acuity returned to normal.Discussion on the dopamine antagonist of metoclopramide to the striatum has direct inhibitory effect on the sensory area of ​​the brain and the reticular structure of brain stem and the promotion of gastrointestinal motility, Gastric emptying and intestinal output acceleration, and reduce or block gastroduodenal fluid reflux. Therefore commonly used in gastroduodenal and jejunal dysfunction and bile reflux gastritis and cholecystitis and other consumer
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中毒性休克综合征(TSS)是一种突然发热、发疹性疾病,常伴有心、肾功能衰竭、成人呼吸窘迫综合征及休克等多器官系统衰竭。TSS 治疗的关键在于早期确诊,病人通常有葡萄球菌感
我科自1988年元月以来用藻酸双脂钠(以下简称PSS)治疗缺血性脑血管病和冠心病等共86例,疗效较好。但有5例于静脉滴药过程中发生了过敏性休克,现报告如下。临床资料 5例患者