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  There is a right way to read a book for pleasure, and a right way to read a book for learning. You can read a book for pleasure one time through and be just fine. You’ll get all you need out of that one reading—which is pleasure. However, it is harmful to assume that you should approach academic reading the same way. In order to read and comprehend a book or article for school, you need to be much more intentional1 and strategic2. That is, if you want to earn a good grade!
  In most reading tests, the student is asked to read a passage and predict3 what might happen next. Prediction4 is a common reading comprehension strategy. The purpose for this strategy is to make sure you’re able to infer information from the clues in the text.
  Here’s a passage to clarify this point:
  Clara gripped5 the handle of the heavy glass pitcher6 and lifted it from the refrigerator shelf. As she watched the pitcher crash into a thousand pieces, she saw the figure of her mother appear in the kitchen doorway.
  So, what do you think will happen next? We could guess that Clara’s mother reacts angrily, or we might guess that the mother bursts into laughter.
  But if I told you that this passage was a short paragraph from a thriller7, that fact might change your answer. Similarly, if I told you this passage came from a comedy, you’d make a very different prediction.
  Understanding the genre of a book helps you make predictions about the action—which helps you comprehend the action.
  Any time you read to learn (and not for plea sure), you should use active reading skills. There are good tools to use as you read, and there are tools that are not so good to use.
  A pencil is a good tool. You can use a pencil to make annotations8 in the margins9 of your text without doing any permanent10 damage to the text. Another good tool is a pack of sticky notes. Use your notes to write down thoughts, impressions, predictions, and questions as you read.
  A highlighter11, on the other hand, can be a really bad tool. Not only do you create some serious damage when you highlight12 a book, you also give yourself the false impression that you have done anything significant by doing so.
  The only thing you do by highlighting is marking passages that you may want to read again. But if a passage impresses you enough to highlight it, you must indicate why it impresses you. Other wise, you will go back to read isolated sentences and try to remember why they were important.   It’s a no doubt that you should take the time to identify and look up new and unfamiliar words as you read. But it’s important to make a note of those new words, and revisit them long after you’ve finished reading that book.
  Once a text is completed, the writer may re flect on the true message or purpose as a final step and come up with a new title. This means you can use the title as a clue to help you understand the message or purpose of your text.
  1. intentional [ ] adj. 故意的;蓄意的;策划的
  2. strategic [ ] adj. 战略上的,策略的 3. predict [ ] vt. 预报,预言;预知
  4. prediction [ ] n. 预报;预言;预测 5. grip [ ] vt. 紧握;夹紧
  6. pitcher [ ] n. 大水罐 7. thriller [ ] n. 惊险小说
  8. annotation [ ] n. 注释;注解;释文
  9. margin [ ] n. 边缘;页边的空白
  10. permanent [ ] adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的
  11. highlighter [ ] n. 荧光笔,高光色
  12. highlight [ ] vt. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮
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