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对一个地方、单位、企事业的领导来说,都要注意在群众中的威信,没有威信就会失去群众的信赖,工作就没有号召力.那么,领导的威信从哪里来呢?有位中央领导同志说过:领导的威信靠上级封不出来,靠权力压不出来,靠宣传吹不出来,靠耍小聪明骗不出来,只有靠全心全意地、尽心竭力地、坚持不懈地为人民做好事、办实事,才能逐步树立起来.领导干部的楷模孔繁森,把自己所有时间、全部精力投入工作,将个人生死置之度外,把自己置身群众之中,为党的事业贡献毕生精力.县委书记的好榜样焦裕禄正是兰考县遭受内涝、风沙、盐碱三害最严重的时刻来到兰考县,把群众的疾苦挂在心上,为人民群众的利益鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已,兰考人民深深地怀念他.云南省大关县县长蔡朝东任职期间“实实在在办事,堂堂正正做人”,在他调离时人民群众带着鸡蛋、粽子等候在街头、公路两旁,出现了“十里相送好县长”的感人场面.然而,在现实生活中,有些领导习惯于坐在办公室看文件、听汇报,靠“大哥大”发号施令;群众找上门来,也是门难进,人难见,脸难看,话冰凉.有些领导夸夸其谈,工作不实,往往是政策喊在嘴上,规章写在纸上,措施挂在墙上,结果落在地上.有些领导讲排场、摆阔气,出门车子要“豪华”,办公室里讲气派,招待费用胡乱花,茶 For leaders of a local place, an institution, and an enterprise, we must pay attention to the prestige among the masses, and without the prestige will lose the masses’ trust and the work will have no appealing power. Then, where does the prestige of leaders come from? The leading comrades have said: The prestige of the leadership can not be sealed by the higher authorities, can not be suppressed by power, can not be blown out by propaganda, can not be fooled by cleverness, and can only do things with dedication, dedication and perseverance to the people, Kong Fansen, a model for leading cadres, devoted all his time and energy to work, placed himself in the ranks of the masses and contributed his lifelong energy to the party’s cause. It is Lankao County suffered waterlogging, sandstorm, salt and alkali the three most serious moment came to Lankao County, the people’s suffering hanging in the heart, for the people’s interests spared no efforts, after death, Lankao people deeply miss him. During the tenure of Cai Chaodong, the county magistrate of Daguan County, he was “practicing his duties in a down-to-earth manner,” and when he was transferred, the masses of people took eggs and dumplings waiting on the streets. However, in the real life, some leaders accustomed to sitting in the office to see the file, listen to reports, by the “big brother” and give orders; the masses come to the door, but also Difficult to see the door, hard to see, ugly face, cold words.Some leaders talkative, untrue, policy is often shouting in the mouth, the rules written on paper, the measure hanging on the wall, the result fell to the ground. Scene, swinging, car out to “luxury”, style in the office, hospitality spend random flowers, tea
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