The Football Beast (Ⅰ) 足球怪兽 (Ⅰ)

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yl198710310318
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  “It looks rubbish!” I said, frowning1 at the rundown ghost train and comparing it to the cooler rides at the funfair2. The cool rides were huge and fast and everyone was screaming. The ghost train was deserted like a ghost town!
  “Can’t I have another go on the Dinosaur Dipper or the Rocket Launcher?” I asked.
  “We queued for hours to get on those rides,” Mum said, tearing off a ride-token and handing it to the woman in the ghost-train booth. “And this one has no queues at all!”
  “I wonder why,” I said, reluctantly3 taking a seat on the empty train.
  Mum never goes on rides because they make her feel sick, so she waved happily as the train crawled towards two doors. The doors had “Tunnel of Terror” written above them in blood-red lettering. I’ve been on loads of ghost trains before and they’re never, ever scary.
  The doors closed behind me and the train rattled along the track, taking a sharp right turn where a green plastic skeleton4 bounced up and down on a piece of elastic5.
  “YAWN!” I yawned.
  The train carried on through the darkness and at the next turn there was a coffin6 with a creaky7 cover. As it creaked open a plastic vampire rose slightly and then flopped back down again.
  “YAWN!” I yawned again.
  The third turn turned out a flapping white sheet that was probably supposed to be a ghost, but it was about as scary as a white sheet hanging on a windy washing line.
  “BORING!” I sighed, batting a rubber bat that dangled over my head.
  The train continued to run along at about one kilometre an hour, while a scratchy8 recording of moans and groans echoed in the darkness.
  “They’re probably moaning and groaning out of boredom!” I chuckled.
  My chuckle was cut short when the train suddenly stopped with a jolt that made me jump. Then a bright blue phantom9 appeared on the track in front of me!“I’m doing my best,” he growled. “You don’t have to make fun of it!”   火車突然停下来震动了一下,吓得我跳了起来,笑声也被打断了。然后一道亮蓝色的幻影出现在我面前的轨道上!“我正在尽力而为,”他咆哮道。“你没必要嘲笑!”
  I wasn’t sure whether to scream or say sorry because he wasn’t very scary and looked pretty upset. But the phantom vanished10 before I had a chance to do either. And the next thing I knew the train had started up again.
  Judging by the poor quality of frights in the Tunnel of Terror I was certain the phantom was real. And I knew he was a phantom because he was a bit see-through like a ghost. Phantoms are very similar to ghosts—except they’re monster-shaped instead of people-shaped.
  It also made sense that a phantom would live in a ghost-train ride because all they’re good for is scaring people. Although this one wasn’t even good at that judging by the lack of queues!
  The train was now running towards the exit and as it crashed through the doors into daylight I was pretty confused. How could a phantom living in a ghost train be so bad at scaring people?
  I decided not to tell Mum about the phantom because she’d just consider it was part of the ride. If I insisted he was real she’d think I couldn’t tell the difference between a monster and a dummy11.
  “I’ve just made an appointment to see the fortune-teller!” Mum said excitedly, pointing to a nearby tent with stars and moons all over it. “But we need to hurry.”
  “That’s convenient,” I mumbled, because I don’t believe fortune-tellers can really tell the future. I think they just say nice things so that people go away feeling happy.
  The last time Mum went to see the funfair fortune-teller it went on for ages, but that was mostly because I kept laughing and doing impressions of Madam Mystic. Madam Mystic said Mum would have a lot of trouble with a certain boy who couldn’t take things seriously. I wonder who she was talking about?
  “Can’t I stay on the ghost train?” I asked. It had to be better than Madam Mystic, and I was still very curious12 about the funfair phantom.” “It’s actually quite good and we do have four ride-tokens left.”   我问:“我不能留在幽灵火车上吗?”它比神秘女士更好玩,而且我仍然对游乐场的幻影感到很好奇。”“实际上还不错,我们还有四张乘车券。”
  At the mention of four tokens the woman in the ghost-train booth hurried over. “I can keep an eye on him for you,” she said enthusiastically13. “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Mum said, frowning at her watch.
  “It would be my pleasure,” said the woman. “The funfair are closing us down after today, so it would be nice to see the old girl rattle14 round a few more times before she goes into retirement.”
  “Closing down?” Mum said. “But why?”
  “We can’t compete with the bigger rides,” the woman said sadly. “It would seem ghost trains are rather old-fashioned and not exciting enough for young people today.”
  “I’m terribly sorry,” Mum said.
  “So can I stay here?” I pleaded.
  “Oh, all right,” Mum sighed, handing the tickets to the woman. “Now, if he gives you any trouble at all, or starts making up stories about monsters, I’ll be just inside that tent.”
  Before leaving, Mum warned me to behave myself for the nice lady and not to make fun of the ghost train any more. Then she hurried off to the fortune-teller’s tent to have her future told.
  The woman started up the ride again and waved at me as the train ran towards the doors. I felt bad for making fun of the ghost train, especially now I knew it was closing down. But as the doors closed and the green skeleton bounced15 around in front of me again, I could surely see why. It just wasn’t scary!
  As the train crawled past the coffin I looked out for the phantom, but when the train stopped this time, he didn’t appear. It was then that I heard a strange noise over the recording of moaning and groaning. It sounded like sobbing16.
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