The Birds Who Flew Beyond Time

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Thomas1007
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  Anne Baring is the author of the book The Birds Who Flew Beyond Time, and she is a writer and retired1 Jungian analyst who lives near Winchester, England. She is also the author and co-author of five books. She has created a website to find the deeper problems that we are faced with at the important time of making a choice.
  The illustrator2 Thetis Blacker painted extremely fine illustrations for this book. The late Thetis Blacker was a painter, writer and dreamer. She travelled in Latin America and in South East Asia. She studied the textiles3 of the regions and worked at the Batik Research Institute in Jogjakarta. Her dyed4 paintings have been exhibited5 in churches in the UK, Europe and the USA. The late Thetis Blacker was also the author of A Pilgrimage of Dreams.
  The story begins, “One day, the Earth was feeling very sad. She sent a message to her birds all over the world and said to them, ‘I need your help. Please will you gather together in one place so that I can speak to you?’” And here begins the adventure6 of the birds who flew beyond time. Birds of all kinds, from every region of the world, respond to the Earth’s call. She tells them that she is dying—her land and rivers and oceans are being poisoned7 and her beautiful planet is destroyed by war. Can the birds help her? If they are to do so, they must set out on a special journey. They must fly through seven terrible valleys and overcome the monsters that live in each valley, until they find the Great Being who is the life of all life. Then they must bring back to Earth the message they are given. They are full of fear but under the encouragement8 of their guide, the Hoopoe, the birds set out on a journey that is both ours and theirs.
  1. retired [] adj. 退休的 2. illustrator [] n. 插画师
  3. textile [] n. 纺织业 4. dyed [] adj. 被染色的
  5. exhibit [] v. 展览,展出 6. adventure [] n. 冒险
  7. poison [] v. 中毒,投毒
  8. encouragement [] n. 鼓励
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