
来源 :当代矿工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:long520liang
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煤矿采掘业是社会公认的“苦、累、险”高危行业,由于煤炭在社会发展中举足轻重的基础地位,煤矿安全已不单是行业关注的问题,而成为社会瞩目的焦点热点问题。党和国家高度重视煤矿安全生产,不断探索、寻找提高煤矿安全生产水平的方法和途径,在机制体制上进行创新和改革。世纪之交的2000年,我国煤矿安全监察体制实行了重大改革,组建了国家煤矿安全监察体制。新成立的煤矿安监机构实行三级垂直管理,即国家煤矿安全监察局、各产煤省的省级煤矿安全监察局和设在大中型矿区的煤矿安全监察办事处。 在国家煤矿安全监察局的正确领导下,各级煤矿安全监察机构坚决贯彻执行国家法律法规和政策,认真履行职责,坚持检查与服务相结合,实施关口前移、重心下移,不断探索、创新,逐步建立和完善了安全生产监察制度和执法机制,确立了煤矿安全监察队伍的执法地位、权威和形象,对提高煤矿经营者的法律意识,促进煤矿企业建立安全自我约束机制,完善矿井安全设施,增强矿井整体抗灾能力,减少事故起数和伤亡人数,保障煤矿安全生产形势稳定好转起到了至关重要的作用。 Coal mining industry is a socially recognized high-risk industry of “bitterness, tiredness and risk”. Due to the pivotal role of coal in social development, coalmine safety has become a hot topic in the society. The Party and the state attach great importance to coal mine safety production, constantly explore and find ways and means to improve coal mine safety production level, and make innovations and reforms in the mechanism system. At the turn of the century, the coal mine safety supervision system in our country carried out major reforms and set up a national coal mine safety supervision system. The newly established Coal Mine Safety Supervision Organization implements three levels of vertical management: the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, provincial coal mine safety supervision bureaus of various coal-producing provinces and coal mine safety supervision offices located in large and medium-sized mined areas. Under the correct leadership of the State Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, the coal mine safety supervision agencies at all levels resolutely implement the laws, regulations and policies of the state, conscientiously perform their duties, insist on the combination of inspection and service, the implementation of the key points move forward, the center of gravity down, continuous exploration and innovation , Gradually established and perfected safety inspection system and law enforcement mechanism, established the law enforcement status, authority and image of coal mine safety supervision team, raised awareness of legal awareness of coal mine operators, promoted the establishment of safety self-restraint mechanism for coal mine enterprises, improved the safety of mine facilities , Enhance the overall mine disaster resistance capability, reduce the number of accidents and the number of casualties, to ensure stable and secure coal mine production situation has played a crucial role.
山区农村用电台区,人口居住分散,供电线路长。在山区改造一个行政村需30万元左右,相当于在平原丘 Rural areas in rural areas use radio stations, where the population