认真贯彻条例 把学校体育卫生工作提高到一个新水平(摘要)——国家教委副主任邹时炎在全国学校体育卫生工作研讨会上的讲话

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一、“七五”期间工作的简要回顾五年来,我们重点抓了四项工作; (一)加强管理机构建设五年来,我们逐步建立和完善教育行政部门和各级学校的体育卫生管理机构,配齐体育教研人员。除西藏、宁夏外,全国各省、区、市教育行政部门都成立了体卫处,许多地、市成立了体卫科,不少县成立了体卫股,绝大多数县有专职体卫干部,有些省、区、市中小学还建立了体育卫生处或体育卫生领导小组,大学建立了体育运动委员会,有效地保证了学校体育卫生工作的开展。 (二)加强学校体育师资和卫生人员队伍建设至1988年底,全国已有170多所高等师范学校和近200所中等师范学校分别开设了本科、专科体育教育专业和体育班,每年培养万余名中、小学体育教师,各级各类学校体育教师已由1986年的27万名增加至30余万名,体育教师严重不足的问题已基本上得到 First, a brief review of the work during the “Seventh Five-Year” period In the past five years, we focused our efforts on four tasks: (1) Strengthening the Construction of Management Organizations Over the past five years, we have gradually established and improved sports health management agencies in education administration departments and schools at all levels, Equipped with sports teaching and research staff. In addition to Tibet and Ningxia, all the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have set up their own health and physical education departments. Many localities and municipalities have set up body-keeping departments. Many county-level health defense units have been established. Most of the counties have full-time body and health cadres Some provinces, autonomous regions and municipal primary and secondary schools have also established sports health department or sports health leading group, the university established a sports committee, effectively ensure the school sports health work. (B) to strengthen the construction of school physical education teachers and health personnel team By the end of 1988, more than 170 higher normal schools and nearly 200 secondary normal schools nationwide have opened undergraduate and specialist physical education and sports classes and trained more than 10,000 The number of primary and secondary school physical education teachers and physical education teachers of all kinds and schools at all levels has increased from 270,000 in 1986 to over 300,000. The problem of serious shortage of physical education teachers has been basically obtained