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只要是读了点书,能提笔写汉字者,都能写“壹、贰、叁、肆、伍、陆、柒、捌、玖、拾、佰、仟”.这串大写的汉文数字,虽没能像阿拉伯人发明的“0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9”这组数字流遍世界,让全世界人都在书写,但考证起来,大写的汉文数字所产生的作用与价值,是要超过阿拉伯数字的.而且越是重要的数字,越要用“壹、贰、叁……仟”.如若不信,你去中国的任何一家银行,不管你是存款、取款,也不管你是何方神圣、要员,一律规规矩矩地用大写的汉文数字.写用这串大写汉文数字的人虽然很多很多,但我敢说,知道是谁发明的却不是很多的.发明者为明太祖朱元璋.这串大写汉文数字的长处在于不能像阿拉伯数字那样随意增、删、改,是壹就是壹,是贰就是贰,让人不好在帐上耍花招、做手脚,所以经久不衰,一代又一代写、用.年少的朱元璋,当过放牛娃、沙弥,也四处流浪讨口要饭,亲眼目睹了各地官吏贪赃枉法、欺压百姓,弄得民怨沸腾,四处揭杆而起,毫不留恋地把元朝推翻了.出身贫寒、饱经磨难的朱元璋,心灵打上了深深的烙印——贪官误国、害国、葬国.朱元璋登上皇位后,为使他的皇朝避免重步元朝的后尘,采取了一系列惩治、防止贪官污吏的措施,包括大写的汉文数字.从本质上讲,朱元璋的这个发明虽然是为维护自己的统治,让自己开 As long as reading a book, can write a pen to write Chinese characters, can write “one, two, three, Stanford, Wu, Lu, 柒, 捌, Jiu, pick up, Bai, Qian.” This string of uppercase Chinese numbers, Although not like the Arabs invented the “0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9” this set of figures flow in the world, so that people are writing in the world, but textual research, uppercase The function and value of the Chinese characters are to exceed the Arabic numerals, and the more important the numbers, the more we should use “One, Two, Three ... Thousands.” If you do not believe, you go to any bank in China, regardless of your Is a deposit, withdrawals, no matter where you are sacred, VIPs, all be well-behaved in uppercase Chinese numbers.While there are many, many people who wrote this string of uppercase Chinese numbers, I would say that knowing who invented Is not a lot of inventor Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.The string of Chinese characters in the upper hand the advantage of not being as free as Arab numbers increase, delete, change, one is one, two is II, make people bad tricks on the account, Doing hands and feet, so enduring, generation after generation writing, with young Zhu Yuanzhang, when the liberty of cattle, Sha Mi , Also wandering around for dinner, witnessed the local government officials corrupt, oppress the people, confused resentment, surrounded by exasperation, nostalgia to the Yuan Dynasty overthrown .Has a poor, suffering Zhu Yuanzhang, the soul marked A deep imprint - corrupt officials wrong country, the country, the funeral home.Zhu Yuanzhang boarded the throne, in order to make his dynasty to avoid repeating the Yuan Dynasty’s follow-up, adopted a series of punishment, to prevent corrupt officials measures, including uppercase Of the Chinese figures.In essence, the emperor’s invention, although for the maintenance of their own rule, let yourself open
本文主要总结杭钢竖炉球团技术的发展历史和现状,并展望未来竖炉球团生产技术的远景设想。 This paper summarizes the history and current status of the development of
“神童”是来自儿童世界的传奇,也是无数家长的梦想。30年前“批量”制造  “神童”的实验随岁月而去,当年的“神童制造者”在今天重操旧业……    3月下旬的一个周六,上海市番禺路一家培训学校里,仅能容纳20人的小教室,坐满了稚气未脱的儿童和陪读的家长。  讲台上,77岁的张政用沾满粉笔灰的手在黑板上写下一个等式:  x2-3x= x2-3x 2  “这是上海市中考考卷的8分题,哪个小朋友会做?” 
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