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The term field or surface geologist is used here with reservations, for, as intimated in foregoing remarks, the prefix surface indicates nothing more than emphasis on particular types of data and the methods of collecting and processing these data. A field geologist, therefore, is one who seeks, measures, records, analyzes, and interprets data obtained from outcrops. If his abilities were limited to the recognition and measuring of field features, he would indeed be handicapped in the final appraisal of his field observations. Fortunately, most geologists are sufficiently versatile to apply their knowledge and skills to many ares of investigation, field geology being only one phase of inquiry. The term field or surface geologist is used here with reservations, for, as intimated in foregoing remarks, the prefix surface indicates nothing more than emphasis on particular types of data and the methods of collecting and processing these data. A field geologist, therefore, is one who seeks, measures, records, analyzes, and interprets data obtained from outcrops. If his abilities were limited to the recognition and measuring of field features, he would indeed be handicapped in the final appraisal of his field observations. Fortunately, most geologists are applied versatile to apply their knowledge and skills to many ares of investigation, field geology being only one phase of inquiry.
大家知道,“有眼不识泰山”是句成语。但其中的“泰山”到底指什么,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。现将有关“泰山”之说的三种版本,分述如下,以飨读者。 第一说“泰山”是指山名。我