以行家角度透析商品实用性 剩货好销

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这天,老马的瓷器店来了位顾客,说要买几口大瓷缸。老马把顾客领到后院,顾客看见院中的几口大瓷缸在那摆着,有的缸不圆也不光滑,有的缸沿还磕掉了几块瓷,顾客露出不满意的神情。客户紧皱眉头,摸摸这个,又瞧瞧那个,摇头叹气道:“你这几口缸都是卖剩下的,而且变型的变型,掉边的掉边,简直是一堆残次品!”见客户要走,马老板忙走到顾客面前,左手把一只缸扶成倾斜角度,迅速转了半圈,又用右手使劲敲击。只听那口缸发出清脆、略带回音的铮铮声。马老板满面笑容地对顾客说:“敲锣听音儿,买缸听声儿,你听听,这可是地道的好缸啊!懂行的人都知道,不结实的劣质缸,敲起来是破吱啦的动静哟。只有好缸才有脆声。”顾客一言不发,像是在琢磨马老板的话。马老板又铮铮敲打两下缸,笑眯眯地问:“看样子你买缸是要搞什么家庭作坊吧?”客户慢条斯理地说:“我买缸是用它给一家单位腌咸菜用,可你这几口缸我没看中。”马老板笑呵呵地说:“兄弟,腌咸菜你是行家,挑选缸可就不如我啦。俗话说,丑瓜俊梨选过的缸,那意思是,买甜瓜拣 On this day, the old horse porcelain shop to a customer, said to buy a few big porcelain cylinder. The old horse took the customer to the backyard, the customer saw a few large porcelain in the hospital, and some of the cylinder is not round or smooth, and some knocked off some of the porcelain along with the cylinder. The customer showed a dissatisfied look . Customers frowned, touch this, look at that, shook his head and sighed: ”You are selling a few tanks are left over, and variant variants, off the edge of the fall, is simply a pile of defective products ! “See the customer to go, Ma boss went busy in front of the customer, the left hand to help tilt a tilt angle of the cylinder, quickly turned a half circle, but also hard hit with his right hand. Just listen to that mouth issued a crisp, slightly echoed clank sound. Horse boss smiled and said to the customer: ”gong gong listening children, buy a cylinder to listen to sound child, you hear, this is a good good cylinder ah! Knowledgeable people know, poor solid cylinder, knocking is Crack the sound of the movement yo. Only a good cylinder will have fragile sound. “” Customers silent, as if pondering the words of the horse boss. Horse boss clashed twice under the cylinder, smiling asked: “Looks like you buy a cylinder is to engage in what family workshops? ” The customer said slowly: “I buy the cylinder is to use it to a unit pickled pickles, But you a few mouth I did not fancy. ”Horse boss smiled and said: " Brother, pickled pickles you are expert, pick the cylinder may be better than me .As the saying goes, That means, buy melon pick
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常言道:“泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高;江海不择细流,故能就其深。”所以,大礼不辞小让,细节决定成败,德育精致化需要考虑学生的终身发展,关注学生的一切,关注一切学生,积极 As
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例1某农场在P处有一堆有机肥,现要把这堆有机肥沿小道PA或PB,经过A或B稍作休息后,再沿直线送到AB另一侧的大田中去.现测得|PA|=2km,|PB|=4km,∠APB=60°. Example 1 A farm
4月19日早晨,我和几个小伙伴正在村口等校车时,突发其想地捉了几只蜗牛来赛跑。我选择了一只体形较大,颜色略深的蜗牛,并给 On the morning of April 19, when several scho
在火车上,有人看见珍妮和玛丽两个小女孩很可爱,就给她们每人一根香蕉。这是她们有生以来第一次见到香蕉,珍妮好奇地咬了一口。 On the train, some people saw Jennifer an