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清水河县从实际出发,结合三北防护林体系建设工程,因地制宜地发展果树经济林,取得显著效益。这个县地处黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,发展海红果等果树经济林有其相对的优势。据此,县委、县政府把发展经济林作为尽快脱贫致富的突破口,作出了发展经济林的决定,鼓励农民承包“四荒地”,实行优惠政策,给予大力扶持。极大地调动了群众发展经济林的积极性。已涌现出5000多个定植果树50株以上的经济林大户,集体和个体小果园发展到160多个,其中百亩以上的有12个。近两年来,清水河县每年以上万亩的速度发展经济林。目前,经济林已发展到6.2万亩,年产海红果、黄太平、“123”等中小型苹果为主的鲜果500多万公斤,收入达560多万元。农民人均拥有鲜果50多公斤,增加收入50多元,仅此一项相当于1987年农民人均收入的总和。五良太乡 Qingshuihe County proceeded from reality and combined with the construction project of the Three North Shelterbelt system to develop economic forest of fruit trees according to local conditions and achieved significant benefits. The county is located in the hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau, the development of sea red fruit trees and other economic forest has its relative advantages. Accordingly, the county party committee and county government took the development of economic forest as a breakthrough point to get rid of poverty and get rich as soon as possible, and made a decision to develop economic forest, encouraged farmers to contract “four wastelands” and implemented preferential policies with great support. Great mobilization of the enthusiasm of the masses to develop economic forest. More than 5,000 large-scale economic forest farms with more than 50 colonized fruit trees have emerged, with collective and individual small orchards growing to more than 160, of which 12 are above 100 mu. In the past two years, Qingshuihe County has developed economic forests at an annual rate of 10,000 mu. At present, the economic forest has developed to 6.2 million mu, with an annual output of red fruit, Huang Taiping, “123” and other small and medium-sized apple-based fresh fruit more than 500 million kilograms, income amounts to 5600000 yuan. Peasants own more than 50 kilograms of fresh fruits per capita and increase their income by more than 50 yuan. This alone is equivalent to the sum of per capita income of farmers in 1987. Five Liang too
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实现了激光二极管泵浦Nd:YLF激光器的自启动附加脉冲锁模,工作波长1053um,得到2.8ps的超短脉冲,重复频率130MHz,有效输出功率70mW. An additional pulsed mode-locked diode laser
迎春林业局贮木场大制材车间,1989年初引进一台省林科所最新研制成功的国内先进摇尺设备——MY—CBL 高精度摇尺机,代替传统的蜗轮蜗杆点动摇尺装置,解决了三项摇尺关键技术
本文主要讲述青沟渠隧道施工过程中断层情况和塌方相互关系因素 ,分析了塌方的原因及塌方处理措施 This paper mainly describes the relationship between the faults and