
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lianghaiyanps3
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Objectives. To analyze the results of treatment of 70 patients with stage III and IV ovarian cancer after second look laparotomy with negative findings and to identify causes of failure and prognostic factors. Materials and methods. Between 1985 and 1998, seventy patients with ovarian cancer stage III and IV were treated with surgery and at least six courses of chemotherapy with cisplatin doxarubicin and cyclophosphamide. Then a second look laparotomy was performed. Results. The actuarial survival rate without evidence of disease was 50% at 5 years. Locoregional failure was observed in 31 patients (88% ) and distant metastases in 9, but they were the sole reason for unsuccessful treatment in only 4 (12% ). Adverse prognostic factors were: grade 3 differentiation, primary stage IIIC and IV, and residual infiltration exceeding 2cm after first laparotomy. Conclusion. Our results are comparable with reports in the literature. The actuarial survival rate without evidence of disease at 5 years in patients with advanced ovarian cancer after second look negative laparotomy is 50% . Objectives. To analyze the results of treatment of 70 patients with stage III and IV ovarian cancer after second look laparotomy with negative findings and to identify causes of failure and prognostic factors. Materials and methods. Between 1985 and 1998, seventy patients with ovarian cancer stage III and IV were treated with surgery and at least six courses of chemotherapy with cisplatin doxarubicin and cyclophosphamide. Then a second look laparotomy was performed. Results. The actuarial survival rate without evidence of disease was 50% at 5 years. Locoregional failure was observed in 31 patients (88%) and distant metastases in 9, but they were the sole reason for unsuccessful treatment in only 4 (12%). Adverse prognostic factors were: grade 3 differentiation, primary stage IIIC and IV, and residual infiltration exceeding 2 cm after First laparotomy. Conclusion. Our results are comparable with reports in the literature. The actuarial survival rate without evidence of disease at 5 yea rs in patients with advanced ovarian cancer after second look negative laparotomy is 50%.
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