
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eric900300
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诉耳痛而无耳鼻咽喉阳性体征者,大多为伴有咀嚼肌病的颞颌关节病。本症最常见的体征是翼内肌痉挛。胚胎时支配翼内肌与鼓膜张肌的神经相同,因此刺激能引起翼内肌痉挛的神经也可使鼓膜张肌痉挛,同样,腭帆张肌与咀嚼肌的神经同源,两者可同时痉挛致咽鼓管功能障碍。由此,最能解释耳下颌综合征症状。查完耳鼻咽喉之后,将两手食指扪患者两侧颞颌关节处并嘱张口与闭口,如患者感到两侧不同即示有本病存在。其次,将两小指尖指甲向后同时放入两外耳道,如一侧髁状突位置较另一侧靠后,亦示有本病。再需查牙,本病有后部牙齿缺失或早接触。自下颌骨缘至下颌角的内侧可扪 Otolaryngology without otolaryngology positive signs, mostly associated with masticatory myopathy of temporomandibular joint disease. The most common symptom of this disease is the vasospasm. The innervation of the wing in the embryo is the same as the erection of the tympanic membrane muscle. Therefore, the nerve that excites the vasospasm in the wing may also cause the erection of the tympanic membrane. Similarly, the nerves in the palatal-eumesia muscle and masticatory muscle are both simultaneously Spasm induced eustachian tube dysfunction. As a result, most can explain otorrhagia syndrome symptoms. After checking the otolaryngology, palpation of both hands with the index finger on both sides of the temporomandibular joint and put the mouth and mouth closed, such as the patient felt different sides that the existence of the disease. Second, the two little finger nails back into the two external auditory canal at the same time, such as one side of the condyle position by the other side of the back, also showed the disease. Need to check again teeth, the disease has missing or early contact with the teeth. From the mandibular margin to the medial mandibular angle palpable
口底蜂窝织炎是颌面部常见急性感染病变,其危害机体的程度众所周知。1836年卢德威氏曾对此病作过详细的描述,后人将此病命名为卢德威氏咽峡炎(Iudwig's angina)。最近我们收
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