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一、隔间理论之由来二、膈间之名义部位与经络之关系三、膈间不利四、隔间不利之治法—利膈和随症调治五、治验六、方药七、结语一、隔间理论之由来:《内经》及古代医学先贤对脏腑经络阐述甚详,为膈间理论奠立了基础。但专门之论著极少,且未引起后代医家之应有重视。昔年学习《巢氏病源·五隔气候》得不少启发,心窃喜爱,但言简意赅有论而无方治,不无遗憾。后得先贤李东垣《隔咽不适四时用药法》研读之余,心境益为开朗。然仍有略而不详之感,且限于学力,缺乏临床之深切体会,而又悉心考究前贤著作中有关膈间之部分,如《灵枢·经脉篇》对十二经在隔间升降之描述,《素问·五常政大论》等篇之 First, the origin of the compartment theory Second, the relationship between the nominal position of the temple and the meridian, the third, the intervening unfavorable, the unfavorable treatment of the compartment - Lee Hom and treatment with the disease five, governance inspection six, prescription seven, conclusion one, The origin of the compartmental theory: “The Internal Classic” and the ancient medical sages elaborated on the organs and meridians and laid the foundation for the inter-temporal theory. However, there are only a few special treatises and they do not cause the attention of future generations of medical doctors. In the past year, learning from the “Cow’s Source of Disease and the Five Climates” has gained a lot of enlightenment and heart-felt affection, but it is not without regret that words are concise and there are no arguments. After getting the Xian Xian Li Dongxun’s “Impossal Use of Pills Discomfort at Four Seasons”, the mood is bright and cheerful. However, there is still a sense of ignorance, which is limited to scholastic ability and the lack of deep understanding of clinical practice. We also carefully examine the part of the predecessor’s writings relating to diurnal matters, such as the description of the twelve menstrual movements in the compartments of the Lunar Classics. , “Su Wen, Wu Changzheng”, etc.
作为全球第十一大捕鱼王国,冰岛的人口只有31万人,其人均国民生产总值达5万欧元,居民的生活水平在全世界排名第二,仅次于挪威。  冰岛人日常使用的能源都源自地热,但即使如此,也只用了全部地热能量的1%,过剩的资源令冰岛的小村落舍得彻夜亮着街灯。冰岛90%的家庭均装有地热暖气系统,甚至奢侈到将人行隧道、停车场等地方都装上地热暖气,冰岛居民即使在寒冬也能感到无比的温暖。  不仅生活舒适,冰岛政府还为国民
学名:Bidens Pilosa Linn(菊科) 别名:盲肠草(厦门)、粘身草(霞浦)、粘花衣(福安)、跟人走(福清、泉州)、刺人(龙海)、老鸦走(福州、闽侯、罗源)、山虱母(寿宁)、金絲苦栋、
我们用中草药治疗妇女在产后由于着凉所患腰腿痛50多例,疗效好,今简介如下: 一、处方及配制方法: 红花、当归、川芎、赤芍、白芍等量,益母草是以上药的倍量(如红花一两,益母