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每年高考一放榜,就是各地学霸纷纷成为新闻焦点人物的时刻。这群人好像闭关苦练武功的隐士,平时默默无闻,只等这时候出来吓大家一跳,让大家知道他们内力深厚,不是我辈可以企及的。于是,我们像看热闹似的看着这些学霸坐上“武林至尊”的宝座。侠之大者——学霸,人们对他们的普遍认识是:长得呆头呆脑的,除了做题什么也不会。他们和我们并不在同一个平行宇宙内,他们的世界是:题库,奥赛,考试;我们的世界是:今天失恋了好难过,晚上要不要看 Each year, the college entrance examination list is the moment when all the students have become the focus of the news. This group of people seems to have retired hermits who practice martial arts. They are usually obscured. They only wait for this time to come out and frighten everyone, so that everyone knows that they have deep internal strength. This is not something my generation can count on. Thus, we watched as if these students were sitting on the throne of “Wulin Supreme”. The great man of the genius - the swashbuckler, people have a general understanding of them: if they look dull, they will not do anything else. They and we are not in the same parallel universe. Their world is: Question Bank, Orsay, exams; Our world is: It’s so sad today, it’s so sad, don’t see it at night.
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12月16日 晴  一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以消灭他,可就是打不败他的意志。——海鸣威  不知道为什么特别喜欢《老人与海》,每次读总也读不厌,反面愈富感动,为老渔夫不死的坚毅品质所感动,虽然他最为失败了,但在我心中还是一个英雄。  失败是黎明前的黑色,如果不经历这黑色,又怎得阳光普照?曾惧怕失败,使得离成功愈远,希望愈来愈小,黑色中隐藏着最后一丝光亮,那光亮若隐若现,意志告诉我追随它,不
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《以自己喜欢的方式过一生》  作 者: 林特特  出版社:江苏文艺出版社  本书的作者没有写远大的理想、锦绣的前程,她把生活里的拧巴、纠结之事一一融化在淡淡的笔尖。书中虽然只有最朴素的人及最朴素的生活,却让我们嗅到了生活应有的味道。合上书,你也许会忽然发现,原来自己一直误解了生活的意义:生活不应只是为了周遭的人对自己满意而已。这世上只有一种成功,就是以自己喜欢的方式过一生。  【独家分享】  平凡