On the style reappearance and loss in literary translation

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  Abstract: How to translate a writer’s style is considered to be one of the most sensitive, complicated and controversial issues in literary translation. This paper explores the translatability of style and the role translator plays in literary translation, analyses reasons of the style reappearance and loss in literary translation and aims at arriving at the conclusion that faithfulness to the original style belongs to criteria of translation.
  Key words: style stylistic markers literary translation
  Chapter 1 Introduction
  Whether style is translatable is a vexed issue that has been discussed for many years in translation circle. There are mainly two kinds of different kinds of views: one holds that the original style is untranslatable while the other thinks that style is translatable. However, the majority of translation theorists hold that the original style is translatable. Professor Liu Miqing, in his book Contemporary Theories of Translation, he has pointed out that style is not intangible but recognizable through correctly and comprehensively spotting and analyzing stylistic markers and transferring them into target language. Style translation is one of the major tasks encountered by translators. Chinese translation theorist Yan Fu has put forward the famous three principles of translation, that is, faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. His theory equals Liu Zhongde’s the trinity principle of faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness. As professor Liu Zhongde says,“true translation demands that the translator be faithful to the content, linguistic form and style of the original at the same time”(劉重德 1995:32). They all advocate that a successful translation requires the faithfulness to the content as well as the style of the original works. Besides Chinese translators, some foreign theorists like Alexander Fraser Tytler, also put forward the principle of translation. In his book Principles of Translation, he points out that the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. Style translation is very crucial to literary translation. Ideally, faithfully representing the original style of literary works is the highest level of translation, since literature is the art of language, creative use of language and literary language has special aesthetic value and the transferring of that value is of great importance and necessity in translating literary works. The original style can be successfully reproduced as long as the translator accurately spot the formal markers and non-formal markers manifested through the linguistic forms of a piece of writing. A complete and correct understanding of the stylistic markers is of great importance towards transferring them in the target language. Many translators have created large amount of wonderful translation versions, which is a forceful prove to the style reappearance in literary translation.
  Chapter 2 The Definition of Style
  2.About Style
  Style is an important factor in translation and we have to make sure what style is. However, the term style itself has no fixed definition. The word style can be traced back to ancient Greek“stylus”with the original meaning“scorper”shifting to the meaning“characteristic manner of expression in writing or speech”. In Chinese language the word style is firstly used to describe the manner and character of a person and late be employed exclusively to the way of expression of a particular writer or a piece of writing. There is a saying going like this “the style is the man”. Likely, France writer Buffon once said“style is the writer himself”.Obviously, the study of style has a long history.
  Chapter 3 The Translatability of Style
  3. Overall Review of the Translatability of Style
  Over many years, some translators think style is untranslatable since style is dependent on language, however, different languages bear different natures of language, such as the word formation, syntactic structure, figures of speech, etc. however, the majority of translators hold that style is not intangible, but recognizable through analysis of conspicuous linguistic forms peculiar of a writer or a piece of writing. Translation theorist Liu Miqing, in his book Contemporary Theories of Translation, has pointed out that we can recognize style through spotting the stylistic features, that is stylistic markers, and that has classified stylistic markers into two categories: formal markers and non-formal markers. Formal markers are various linguistic forms characteristic of a writer or a piece of writing. They can be subdivided into 1) phonological markers, 2) registerial markers, 3) lexical markers, 4) syntactic markers, 5) textual markers, and 6) rhetorical markers (or markers of figures of speech). Non-formal markers include 1) ways of expression, 2) subject matter, and 3) ideological contents.
  Original text: I chanced to rise very early one particular morning this summer, and took a walk into the county to divert myself among the fields and meadows, while the green was new, and the flowers in their bloom. As at this season of the year every lane is a beautiful walk, and every hedge full of nosegays, I lost myself, with a great deal of pleasure, among several thickets and bushes that are filled with a great variety of birds, and an agreeable confusion of notes, which formed the pleasantest scene in the world to one who had passed a whole winter in noise and smoke. (Joseph Addison: Tulips)
  [1] Leech, Geoffrey N,
[摘 要]新时期的高职生就业指导工作尚处于起步和摸索时期,大学毕业生就业逐渐成为教育部门乃至整个社会关注的热点问题,因此,积极做好高职生的就业指导工作便成为高职院校亟待解决的重要问题。本文总结了当前高职生就业的就业现状,高职生就业中存在的主要问题原因,并提出了当前解决就业问题的对策,解决高职生就业难问题的对策是,国家应大力发展经济,创造更多的就业机会、学校要以市场为导向,培养应用型人才、要建立大学
【摘 要】本文作者通过长期的一线工作实践,大量收集了中职学生的各种不良阅读行为,并进行典型分析,进而总结出有效的改善方法,以提高中职学生的阅读能力。  【关键词】中职学生 阅读行为 规范  古云:“读书破万卷”。阅读是社会文明与进步的动力,也是人类获得知识信息最重要的途径。近几年,随着国家对职业教育的政策倾斜,作为学校文化信息中心的图书馆也得到相应的发展,如:增添现代化设备、大量购置信息资源、
【摘 要】德育教育担负着促进少年儿童品德发展的重要任务。做好小学德育教育工作,应坚持“回归儿童主体,回归儿童生活”的原则,结合学生年龄特点,采取渗透式教育的模式。本文浅析了小学德育教育的方法与途径,指出小学德育的形式和渠道很多,但主阵地还是应该落在课堂上。  【关键词】小学 德育教育 基本途徑    德育教育担负着促进少年儿童品德发展的重要任务。一般来说,小学阶段德育教育的范围主要包括:爱国主
【摘 要】思想品德作为初中教育的一部分,对学生的素质培养十分重要。文章介绍了初中思想品德教学的特点,分析了影响教学实效性的因素,并提出了提高教学实效性的策略。  【关键词】初中 思想品德教学 实效性 策略  初中教育对学生的成长具有重要的作用,思想品德教学作为学生德育的重要手段,一向是培养学生综合素质的主要阵地。但目前还有些教师受应试教育理念的影响,依然在思想品德教学中实施满堂灌的教学模式,
高二数学理科选修2-3《两个基本计数原理》是学习排列、组合的初步,我给盐城师范学院上了一节师范课并获了奖,下面就上课具体构思和内容谈谈自己的体会。  一、教材分析  1.地位和作用 计数的基本原理包括分类计数及分步计数原理,是学习排列组合的基础,是推导排列数、组合数的重要理论,同时为分析解决排列与组合问题的思维方法。2.新旧教材最大区别在于:旧教材是先学习两个计数原理后学习概率,体现由理论到应用的
【摘 要】随着新课改的实施,课堂教学颠覆了传统的教学观念,将原来课堂中教师为主体改为学生为主体,要求课堂教学过程中要充分体现学生的主体性作用,锻炼学生的自主学习能力、创新能力、探究精神等。尤其初中物理作为一门理论学科,其教师应结合新课程教育背景,以学生为中心,构建探究式的课堂教学,借以调动学生学习的积极性,诱发学生自主探究,进而形成一种自我探究习惯。  【关键词】初中物理 探究性课堂 构建 
如何听语文课?此话一出,很快就会有人说,“语文课有什么好听的,从小学到高中,语文都是老一套,读课文,学字词,分析课文结构,归纳中心思想,总结写作特点。不听课,照样能学会。”不错,在众多科目中,语文好学,但要学好却不易,还需要掌握一定的学习方法和技巧。  要想学好一门功课,听课是关键。一位优秀的老师,在课堂上传授的不仅是知识,同时还教会学生如何学习。正所谓“授之鱼,不如授之于渔。”语文注重培养学生的
计算机之所以叫电脑,就是因为其具有人脑的某些特征吧,比如:识记、计算、判断、推理、输入、输出等能力。多媒体电脑还具有声音、图像、视频等丰富多彩的表现形式,像人一样能听能说。硬件犹如我们的躯体,软件好比人的思想。那么电脑的一些工作原理,对我们中学生学习有什么启发呢,我们又怎样运用计算机工作原理指导中学生学习呢?    一、电脑电压不足,导致死机;学生饮食热量不足,影响学习。    再宽电压的电脑,如