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我们常常听到有人说:这个地方是大陆性气候,那个地方是海洋性气候。一般人对于这二个名词的认识,并不深刻。他们往往认为滨海的地方一定是属于海洋性气候,远海的内陆一定是属於大陆性气候;其实并不尽然。我们从气候学的原理知道,一个地方的气候,偏于大陆性或者偏于海洋性,并不仅仅取决於它的滨海远近,还与它的盛行风向有关。假使它的盛行风向,是从陆地吹向海洋,那么即使这个地方滨海,它的气候也可以偏于大陆性的。相反地,假使它的盛行风向,是从海洋吹向陆地,那么它的气侯就是偏于海洋性的了。例如天津是在我国的渤海海滨,虽然因为辽东半岛与山东半岛,环抱如钳,使整个的渤海,好似一个内陆的湖泊。但是由於纬度较高,渤海冬季结冰,就使海水失去了一部份调剂温度的作用;再加上 We often hear people say: This place is a continental climate, and that place is a maritime climate. Most people’s understanding of these two terms is not profound. They often think that the coastal areas must belong to the maritime climate, and the inland areas of the distant sea must belong to the continental climate; this is not always the case. We know from the principles of climatology that a local climate is either continental or oceanic, not only depends on its coastal distance, but also on its prevailing wind direction. If its prevailing wind direction is to blow from the land to the sea, then even if this place is on the coast, its climate can be partial to the continental one. On the contrary, if its prevailing wind direction is to be blown from the sea to land, then its climate is biased towards the sea. For example, Tianjin is on the Bohai Sea coast in China. Although the Liaodong Peninsula and the Shandong Peninsula are surrounded by pliers, the entire Bohai Sea is like an inland lake. However, due to the high latitude, the freezing of the Bohai Sea in winter has caused the seawater to lose some of its conditioning temperature;
平均数、方差是统计初步中的重要概念,它有两个易懂、实用的性质: 若n个数据x1,x2,……,xn的平均数是x,方差为S2,那么: 1.n个数据x1+a,x2+a,……,xn+a的平均数是x+a,方差不变
这篇“微生物的变异”却是卡琳娜教授应“知识节力量”编辑之请而写,内中缕述了数年来他的若干研究收获。看不见的伙伴 This “mutation of microorganisms” was written b
近年来,各省市中考试题都进行了改革与创新,其中有一些试题是依据新课程标准设计的,本文仅对中考题中的展开与折叠例说如下. 例1在下列图形中(每个小四边形皆为全等的正方形
A switched-mode unit used in electric locomotive generates a strong high frequency conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI),which radiates electromagnetic e