
来源 :中国哲学年鉴 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yux444
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<正> According to the boundary theory of singularity, singularity is the boundary of the non-spacelike inextensible geodesics. So the cosmological singularity m
分子和原子是同学们学习物质结构最初接触到的概念,为帮助大学掌握这两个概念,现将两者之间存在的三个相关点(即相似点、相异点、相联点)总结如下. 1.相似点①分子和原子都
有的数学题,与其他学科有紧密联系。我们在解此类题时,要善于观察问题的特点,利用相关学科知识或解决问题的经验方法从中寻求解题途径. 例1 已知函数f(x)=msin(wx+φ)(w>0),
<正> Occurrence of microkorund in the karst in southern Shanxi, not yet reported by anyone in China, has been ascertained by the author after repeated analyses
<正> C. J. Carman, Tanaka, G. J. Ray, R. C. Randall and coworkers have made an exhaustive study of copolymers of ethylene and propylene (EP) with 13C-NMR, includi
<正> An automatic NMR magnetometer has been developed. It is in use of measuring static or varying magnetic field strength. It can automatically perform the com
<正> In this letter, decomposition of the Bcklund transformation for two different equations is obtained for the first time and the analogous decomposition for
<正> This letter is a continuation of a previous paper &#39;A class of commutative rings with Goldbach property&#39;. (Its abstract was published in 科学通报,26
<正> The ionic character percentage 9% of molecules or crystals is often expressed by dividing the effective charge of the bonding atom with the valence. Barinsk