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作为世界最高水平的赛事,奥运会集中了当时处于最佳状态的运动员参与。有人因胜利而喜悦,有人因落败而神伤。  胜利总是被众人欣赏,失败同样刻骨铭心。当我们回顾那些令人难忘的失败场面时,一定会重新体会到那令人心动的一刻。  失败让我们更加珍惜胜利。 As the highest level event in the world, the Olympic Games focused on the participation of athletes who were at their best at that time. Some people are happy because of victory. Some people are hurt because of losing. Victory is always appreciated by everyone, the same unforgettable failure. When we review those unforgettable scenes of failure, we will certainly re-experience that exciting moment. Failure makes us cherish the victory more.
Purpose: So far, there have been few studies that discussed children’s reading environment in China’s poverty-stricken areas, this study aims to explore diffe
Water soluble polyether phosphites alkyl polyethylene glycol o phenylene phosphite (APGPPs) were easily prepared via alcoholysis of phosphorus chloride wi
Fe_3O_4particles coated with acrylic copolymer (ACP) of about5—8 nm in diameter were synthesized and used for immobiliza-tion of horseradish peroxidase (HRP).
在节假日来临之际,大量的游客涌向广东的巽寮湾和双月湾的时候,我们来到一个鲜有游客的地方——盐洲岛。这里尚未被开发,是摄影家们追逐玄武岩和白鹭的梦乡。  广州—黄埠镇—盐洲岛—杨屋村  迷失在玄武岩海滩的梦境里   在南中国海的海岸线上,有着曲折的礁石带。玄武岩怪石嶙峋,色彩赭色,形态各异,绵延十几公里,是摄影师拍摄梦幻海岸的最佳之地;这里沙滩平缓,质地细腻,也是天然的海滨浴场;这里没有景点,也没
有关部门年初举办了“竞技麻将邀请赛”,并制定了“中国竞技麻将牌竞赛规则”(草案),披露报端。看来,麻将要在众目睽睽中登上大雅之堂了。 由此引来的街谈巷议,莫衷一是。对此
如果评选世乒赛女团比赛中的经典战例,李菊胜柳智惠一役就是其中之一。 半决赛碰韩国队,是中国女队的第一场恶战。那天中午,蔡振华给男队开完准备会后急匆匆往赛场赶,在班车上给