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近十几年来,南朝鲜经济因平均年增长约10%而被称为“高速发展”。南朝鲜当局大吹大擂,吹嘘经济“起飞”了,声称这是“民族中兴的标志”。某些西方人士也有意捧场,说什么出现了“汉江边上的奇迹”。南朝鲜经济果真如此吗?其内情究竟如何? 外力扶植下的暴发户长期以来,南朝鲜一直处于美国卵翼之下。美国出于战略需要,不但在政治、军事上控制着南朝鲜,还亟需在经济上把南朝鲜扶植成为一个既依附于它又可炫耀于人的“自由世界橱窗”。为此,先后向南朝鲜提供了150亿美元的“援助”。同时,带动日本、西欧一些国家向南朝鲜大量贷款和进行私人投资。在美国的撮合下,日本政府还同南朝鲜当局签订了“日韩条约”,向南朝鲜支付了3亿美元的“赔偿”和2亿美元的有偿“援助”。这样,一个只有3,650万人口、近10万平方公里的地区,竟得到近400亿美元的“援助”、贷款和投资,按人口平均,每人达1,000多美元。由此可见,南朝鲜经济首先是美国为首的西方世界大力支撑起来的。为了维持南朝鲜这块阵地,美国认为需要改变“李承晚时代”(1948—1960)那种只消耗“美援”的办法。 In the past decade or so, the economy in South Korea has been called “rapid development” due to an average annual increase of about 10%. South Korean authorities brazenly brag about the “take-off” of the economy, claiming it is “a sign of national rejuvenation.” Some Westerners also intend to join in saying something about “a miracle on the edge of the Han River.” How does the economy of South Korea really do? What exactly is its internal situation? Outraged by external forces For a long time, South Korea has been under the wing of the United States. For its strategic needs, the United States not only controls South Korea politically and militarily, but also urgently needs to economically support South Korea as a “window to the world of freedom” attached to and displayed on the people. To this end, it has provided 15 billion U.S. dollars of “aid” to south Korea. In the meantime, some countries in Japan and Western Europe have led a large amount of loans to South Korea and made private investments. With the help of the United States, the Japanese government has also signed the “Japan-Korea Treaty” with the South Korean authorities, paid “300 million U.S. dollars in compensation” and 200 million U.S. dollars “paid aid” to south Korea. In this way, an area of ​​almost 36.5 million people and nearly 100,000 square kilometers actually receives nearly 40 billion U.S. dollars of “aid”, loans and investment, which amounts to more than 1,000 U.S. dollars per capita. From this we can see that the economy of South Korea was first strongly supported by the Western world led by the United States. In order to maintain this position in South Korea, the United States believes it necessary to change the method of consuming only “U.S. aid” in the “Syngman Rhee Times” (1948-1960).
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