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组织管理才能是科技领导者实施领导的最根本素质.新形势下研究所领导应具有的管理才能主要是指:计划能力、决策能力、组织能力、预见能力、处理人际关系能力和创新能力等.决策和判断能力 决策是领导工作的核心,是领导者的第一责任.领导的过程实质就是一个决策和实施决策的过程.领导干部决策能力的提高是领导水平提高的关键.然而,要想决策正确.领导者对来自外界各方面的信息应有敏锐的观察力,并应具有良好的思维能力,对这些信息进行分析研究,加工整理,综合概括,形成新的思想,及时做出决策.因为在紧剧变化和激烈的市场竞争中,管理者必然要碰到大量的问题,需要及时做出正确的决择.不及时就可能贻误时机,这就需要有魄力.任何决 Organizational management talent is the most fundamental quality of the leaders of science and technology implementation.In the new situation, the management talent that the leadership of the institute should have mainly refers to: planning ability, decision-making ability, organization ability, foresight ability, handling interpersonal relationship and innovation ability. Decision-making and judging ability decision-making is the core of leadership work, is the leader’s first responsibility.Leading the process of the essence is a decision-making and implementation of decision-making process.Leading cadres to enhance decision-making ability is leading the improvement of the key.However, to make policy Correct.Leader should be keen on the information from all aspects of the outside world should have a keen observation, and should have good thinking skills, analysis of these information research, finishing, comprehensive summary, the formation of new ideas, make timely decisions .Because In the drastic change and fierce market competition, managers inevitably encounter a large number of problems, the need to make the right choices in a timely manner. Failure to promptly delay the opportunity, which requires courage.
本文根据接收到的信息和归结原理来产生决策模型,并采用动态的标准选取决策模型,同时利用模拟退火法对被选取的模型进行排序,使整体的推理效果达到最优。 In this paper, a dec
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出版社:电子工业出版社出版时间:2013-12I S B N:9787121119408内容简介:本书采用全新的项目实做的编排方式,真正实现了基于工作过程、项目教学的理念。本书由4个项目11个模