
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youshouyao
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Background: Recent studies suggest that myocardial administration of stem cells improves perfusion and function of ischemic myocardium. The present study evaluated the safety and efficacy of simple intracoronary administration of mononuclear autologous bone marrow(BM)cells in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy without revascularization option. Methods and Results: We enrolled 6 consecutive patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy,who were in New York Heart Association classes III to IV despite optimal medical treatment without revascularization options and who, on dobutamine stress echocardiograph(DSE), were found to have left ventricular ejection fraction< 35% with significant hibernation and ischemia in at least 2 myocardial segments. BM cell suspension was collected, and on the next day, during coronary angiography, mild ischemia was induced by a short balloon inflation in each coronary conduit with a TIMI flow of ≥ 2 followed by slow infusion of up to 50 mL of BM cells suspension to each conduit. At baseline and 4 months follow-up,patients underwent clinical evaluation, Holter monitoring, and DSE. BM infusion was successful in all patients. One patient developed postprocedure hypotension and troponin increase. At 4 months follow-up New York Heart Association class improved from 3.5± 0.5 to 2.3± 1.0, P=.04, and resting ejection fraction improved from 25% ± 7% to 28% ± 8% , P=.055. We observed improvement in resting wall motion score only in the segments with hibernation in baseline DSE(2.3± 0.5 to 2.0± 0.6, P=.03)and improvement in high-dose dobutamine wall motion score, only in segments showing significant ischemia at baseline DSE(2.5± 0.5 to 2.0± 0.6, P=.001). There were no clinical arrhythmias or increased arrhythmia burden by Holter monitoring. Conclusions: In patients with severe symptomatic ischemic cardiomyopathy, mild induction of ischemia followed by intracoronary infusion of unmanipulated autologous BM is feasible and safe and may improve hibernation and ischemia. Background: Recent studies suggest that myocardial administration of stem cells improves perfusion and function of ischemic myocardium. The present study evaluating the safety and efficacy of simple intracoronary administration of mononuclear autologous bone marrow (BM) cells in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy without revascularization option. Methods and Results: We enrolled 6 consecutive patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy, who were in New York Heart Association classes III to IV despite optimal medical treatment without revascularization options and who, on dobutamine stress echocardiograph (DSE), were found to have left ventricular ejection fraction < 35% with significant hibernation and ischemia in at least 2 myocardial segments. BM cell suspension was collected, and on the next day, during coronary angiography, mild ischemia was induced by a balloon inflation in each coronary conduit with a TIMI flow of ≥ 2 followed by slow infusion of up to 50 mL of BM cells suspension At baseline and 4 months follow-up, patients underwent clinical evaluation, Holter monitoring, and DSE. One patient developed postprocedure hypotension and troponin increase. At 4 months’follow-up New York Heart Association class improved from 3.5 ± 0.5 to 2.3 ± 1.0, P = .04, and resting ejection fraction improved from 25% ± 7% to 28% ± 8%, P = .055. We observed improvement in resting wall motion score only in the segments with hibernation in baseline DSE (2.3 ± 0.5 to 2.0 ± 0.6, P = .03) and improvement in high-dose dobutamine wall motion score, only in segments showed significant ischemia at baseline DSE (2.5 ± 0.5 to 2.0 ± 0.6, P = .001). There were no clinical arrhythmias or increased arrhythmia burden by Holter monitoring. Conclusions: In patients with severe symptomatic ischemic cardiomyopathy, mild induction of ischemia followed by intracoronary infusion of unmanipulated autologous BM is feasible and safe and may improv e hibernationand ischemia.
1992年8月英国一审法院和1993年5月英国上诉法院均判决“德克萨斯星”(Star Texas)轮纠纷一案租约中的仲裁条款有效,英国法院应停止诉讼程序。从本案的判决结果,我们认为英
着法(红先胜):1.(兵)23 (炮)762.(炮)54 (士)653.(马)34 (士)564.(马)46 (士)655.(马)64 (士)566.(马)42 (士)657.(马)24 (士)568.(马)46 (士)65 The Law (Red First): 1.
着法(红先胜):1. 前(车)6 (象)572. 前(车)3 (将)613.(车)31 (将)614.(车)14 (将)655.(兵)51 (将)546.(车)46① (卒)347.(炮)76 (卒)458.(兵)56 (将)459.(炮)65 后(卒)4②
今年四月举行的全国团体赛,群英汇集古城西安,挥戈跃马,一决高低,但见老将宝刀未老,新秀锋芒毕露,你争我夺,出现许多精妙对局。这里择评部分片断,供大家观赏。 Held in Apr