
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lantaiwin
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Aims: Smoking is associated with several serious eye diseases. Awareness of smoking and blindness, and its potential to act, as a stimulus to assist stopping smoking has not been investigated. Methods: A cross-sectional survey using a structured interview of adult patients attending district general hospital ophthalmology, general surgery, and orthopaedic clinics. The interview investigated the awareness and fear of blindness for three established smoking-related diseases, and a distractor condition (deafness), and the likelihood that smokers would quit on developing early signs of each condition. Results: Response was 89.1%(358/402). In all, 183 (51.1%) of responders were male and 175 (48.9%) female. Only 9.5%of patients believed that smoking was definitely or probably a cause of blindness, compared with 92.2%for lung cancer, 87.6%for heart disease, and 70.6%for stroke. Patients ranked their fear of each of the five conditions, scoring five for the most feared and one for the least feared. Patients were significantly (P<0.01) less fearful of blindness (mean score 2.80) than lung cancer (3.89), heart disease (3.58), and stroke (3.35). About one-half of smokers stated that they would definitely or probably quit smoking if they developed early signs of blindness or the three established smoking-related conditions, with no significant differences in proportions for these four conditions. Conclusion: The findings suggest that awareness of the risk of blindness from smoking is low, but that the fear of blindness is as compelling a motivation to quit as fear of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The link between smoking and eye disease should be publicised to help reduce smoking prevalence. Awareness of smoking and blindness, and its potential to act, as a stimulus to assist stopping smoking has not been investigated. Methods: A cross-sectional survey using a structured interview of adult patients attending district general hospital, ophthalmology, general surgery, and orthopaedic clinics. The interview investigated the awareness and fear of blindness for three established smoking-related diseases, and a distractor condition (deafness), and the likelihood that smokers would quit on developing early signs of each Only 9.5% of patients believed that smoking was definitely or probably a cause of blindness (51.1%) of responders were male and 175 (48.9%) female. Only 9.5% of patients believed that smoking was definitely or probably a cause of blindness , compared with 92.2% for lung cancer, 87.6% for heart disease, and 70.6% for stroke. Patients ranked their fear of each of the five conditions, scoring five for the most feared and one for the least fe are one of the most common causes of death (mean score 2.80) than lung cancer (3.89), heart disease (3.58), and stroke (3.35). About one-half of smokers stated that they would definitely or probably quit smoking if they developed early signs of blindness or the three established smoking-related conditions, with no significant differences in proportions for these four conditions. Conclusion: The findings suggest that awareness of the risk of blindness from smoking is low, but that the fear of blindness is as compelling a motivation to quit as fear of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The link between smoking and eye disease should be publicized to help reduce smoking prevalence.
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