
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ppmm112233
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We report the case of a 4- year-old girl with winged scapula. An osteochondroma of the medial side of the scapula could be diagnosed as one cause. Furthermore, we found an irritation of the n. thoracicus longus, which was reversible after excision of the osteochondroma. In our case report, a mechanical irritation led to the lesion of the long thoracic nerve. To our knowledge there has not been a case reported like this before. It shows that it is essential to consider the various differential diagnoses of winged scapula. A first step in the diagnostic approach is to differentiate between mechanical and dynamic winged scapula. We report the case of a 4-year-old girl with winged scapula. An osteochondroma of the medial side of the scapula could be diagnosed as one cause. Furthermore, we found an irritation of the n. Thoracicus longus, which was reversible after excision of the osteochondroma. In our case report, a mechanical irritation led to the lesion of the long thoracic nerve. To our knowledge there has not been a case reported like this before. It shows that it is essential to consider the various differential diagnoses of winged A first step in the diagnostic approach is to differentiate between mechanical and dynamic winged scapula.
英语教学活动必须以学生为主体,教师的一切教学活动都要以学生为中心,在了解学生情况的基础上,努力打造和谐、友好的师生关系,使我们的英语教学任务能够更加有效地完成。 En
例1 女,65岁.因进食不畅伴恶心、呕吐3个月,于2004年12月30日入院.胸外科体检:胸廓对称无畸形,心肺检查无异常.患者自发病以来饮食差,体重减轻10 kg.周身浅表淋巴结未触及肿大.胃镜检查:近贲门处见浅表溃疡性占位,浸及整个胃壁全周,胃镜刚可通过;胃底及鞍部黏膜皱襞粗大,扩张及收缩受限.胃镜活检病理诊断:印戒细胞癌及低分化腺癌伴坏死,部分黏膜腺体肠化.行贲门癌根治术,手术见肿物位于贲门部
患者女,66岁.颈部及腹股沟区无痛性肿块10余天,无发热,无猫狗接触史,无结核病史及接触史,自服"消炎药"无好转于2004年3月30日入院.体检:双侧颌下、胸锁乳头肌内侧缘及腹股沟区均可触及大小不一淋巴结,最大位于左侧腹股沟区,大小4.0 cm×3.0 cm×3.0 cm,质韧,活动度可,无压痛,肝脾未触及,腹腔B超示腹膜后淋巴结肿大,白细胞5.08×109/L,血小板134 g/L.初步诊断"恶