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水是普者黑的灵魂,无论是朝暮里温婉柔美的波幔诱出的悠远宁静,还是艳阳当下闪亮水花里飞溅的激情;亦或是仿佛从中长出来的喀斯特小山包,还有宁谧的泛舟而过的百姓……普者黑就以这戏剧性的丰富和强烈的反差交织成的张力和引力,诱惑着我们。在普者黑,需要有和“普者黑”本身蕴含的非规范特质一样的自由意志和心态,简单地说就是要和普者黑一样有种超越感,否则你将不能真正体会这里特有的快乐。普者黑的快乐很独特,单纯的激情是必备品,也许还需要点豁达智慧的心境。四季玩味,普者黑春天恬淡,秋天笃实,冬季深邃,而夏季则是满满的激情。夏日里激情四射的普者黑分外迷人。在水清花香中泛舟,自然而然地陶醉,无需刻意追求,就能和身旁荷花一样飘然超脱,随口吟诗作对,试着找点古时名家的感觉;在全力以赴的水仗之中,投入100%的激情,让滴水的身体随着阳光蒸发的体温告诉你一种热烈与忘情。仲夏清晨,绿色托盘里的露珠静静等待午后阳光里的释放,心很兴奋,而花却一如既往地矜持端庄。空气里无数凝结的芬芳,让人看似平静,心里却为一种特别的兴奋开始加速跳动。在渡口,找一只船在湖中滑翔,荷瓣一般,如脂如绸的水面里映着千年行影相随的依恋。 Water is the soul of Puzhelun, whether it is the distant tranquility ebullient in the tender and gentle mantle of the twilight, or the splash of splash in the shining sun of the glorious sun, the karst hill bag that seems to grow from it, People in the tranquil rafting through the sea ...... Pu Zhe black on this dramatic rich and intense contrast of the tension and gravity intertwined, tempt us. In the general public, there is a need to have the same free will and attitude as the non-normative qualities inherent in the “Putihong” itself, which simply means that you have the same kind of transcendence as Putihong, otherwise you will not really understand it Unique pleasure. The general happiness of the black is very unique, pure passion is a must, you may also need some open-minded state of mind. Four seasons ponder, Putian serene spring and autumn, autumn, a taciturn, deep winter, while the summer is full of passion. The passionate summer in the general black exceptionally charming. Rafting in the water and clear flowers, naturally intoxicated, without deliberate pursuit, and floating beside the water can be the same floating detachment, casually poems, trying to find some ancient famous feeling; in the full battle of water, Into 100% passion, so dripping body with the sun’s body temperature to tell you a warm and forgetfulness. Midsummer early in the morning, the green dew in the tray quietly waiting for the release of the afternoon sun, the heart is very excited, but flowers, as always, hold dignified. Numerous condensation in the air fragrance, people seem calm, but my heart is a special excitement began to accelerate beating. In the ferry, looking for a boat gliding in the lake, the petals in general, such as fat as silky silk surface with millennium accompanying attachment.
输卵管绝育术失败为宫外孕医源性原因之一。近年随绝育术增加有上升趋势。我院自1985年以来手术治疗宫外孕68例,其中绝育术并发宫外孕15例,现报道如下:1.临床资料1.1 发病与
宫外孕为常见的产科急腹症,但宫内外同时妊娠的病例罕见,现将我院一例报告如下; 患者,女,28岁,以停经51日,不规则阴道流血10日,下腹坠痛4小时而入院。查体T36.8℃,P112次/分
德国作家托马斯·曼笔下的威尼斯是经过艺术作家之后极度风格化了的城市,充满了象征意味。《魂断威尼斯》(Death in Venice,1911年)说的是垂垂老去的作家在威尼斯度假之时迷