A novel structure for a broadband left-handed metamaterial

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wondercn
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A low absorptivity broadband negative refractive index metamaterial with a multi-gap split-ring and metallic cross (MSMC) structure is proposed and investigated numerically and experimentally in the microwave frequency range. The effective media parameters were retrieved from the numerical and experimental results, which clearly show that there exists a very wide frequency band where the permittivity and permeability are negative. The influence of the structure parameters on the magnetic response and the cut-off frequency of the negative permittivity are studied in detail. This metamaterial would have potential application in designing broadband microwave devices. A low absorptivity broadband negative refractive index metamaterial with a multi-gap split-ring and metallic cross (MSMC) structure is proposed and investigated numerically and experimentally in the microwave frequency range. The effective media parameters were retrieved from the numerical and experimental results, which The influence of the structure parameters on the magnetic response and the cut-off frequency of the negative permittivity are studied in detail. This metamaterial would have potential application in designing broadband microwave devices.
20 0 0年 9月 19日 ,河北省自学考试向农村延伸新调专业研讨会在石家庄召开 ,河北农业大学、河北农广校、河北省教育考试院自考处的有关领导及负责自考助学、计划工作的同志
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