
来源 :北京医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hejizhou
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近年来,中毒型痢疾在成人中发病率有逐漸增高的趋势。此病来势凶险,病情复杂,病死率較高。目前采用大剂量阿托品、人工冬眠及抗菌素等綜合治疗,疗效虽較滿意,但搶救一个病人,必須有专門的医生护士,夜以继日地精心护理和治疗。加上药品用量較大,还可能会产生一些付作用。由于搶救过程此較复杂,只有在大医院、設备条件好、药品齐全、医师經驗此較丰富的情况下才能推广,而在广大农村进行就地及时的搶救,就有很大困难。为此,我們在党委領导下,在总結針灸治疗急性菌痢經驗的基础上,采用了針灸治疗中毒型痢疾。从初步治疗的結果看,疗效比較滿意。 In recent years, the incidence of poisoning dysentery in adults tends to gradually increase. The disease is dangerous, the condition is complicated, the case fatality rate is higher. Currently using large doses of atropine, artificial hibernation and antibiotics and other comprehensive treatment, the effect is satisfactory, but the rescue of a patient, there must be a dedicated doctor nurses, day and night care and treatment. With a larger amount of drugs, but also may have some pay role. Due to the complexity of the rescue process, it is difficult to promote timely rescuing in the vast rural areas only in large hospitals, well-equipped facilities, complete medicines and more experienced physicians. To this end, we under the leadership of the party committee, in summing up the experience of acupuncture treatment of acute bacillary dysentery, based on the use of acupuncture treatment of toxic dysentery. From the initial treatment results, the effect is more satisfactory.
原料:白豆腐500 克,水发海参两根,虾仁 100克,冬笋50克配料:鸡蛋1个,香菜25克,面粉15克,葱花、姜丝、精盐、味精、香油、酱油各少许,花生油50克,鸡汤200克,淀粉10克精心料理:
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