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中国著名教育家陶行知先生说过:“教育只有通过生活才能产生作用,并真正成为教育。”教育源于生活,最终服务于生活。在我所从事的小学数学教学中,我经常根据课堂教学内容,结合学生已有的认知水平和已有的生活经验进行课堂教学。让学生感受数学来源于生活,同时也服务于生活,使不同的学生都能学到有用的数学,使不同的学生都能获得学习数学的乐趣,并且能简单地运用于生活实践。 Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous Chinese educator, said: “Education can only function through life and really become education.” Education comes from life and ultimately serves life. In my primary school mathematics teaching, I often based on the content of classroom teaching, combined with the students already know the level of experience and existing life classroom teaching. Let students feel that mathematics comes from life, but also serves life, so that different students can learn useful math, so that different students can have fun learning math, and can simply be used in life practice.
High intensity ion beam is of a great potential of applications. However, beam halo-chaos can cause damage to accelerator etc, so it is necessary to suppress be
The supersonic molecular beam (SMB) ablation and penetration processes in the HL-1M tokamak experiments are studied. The cluster formation and dissolution, SMB
The irradiation damage and the chemical interaction with the coolant for the ADS target and the structure materials are the key issues in ADS engineering. The d
HI-13 tandem accelerator was running well in 2004, the machine has been operated for 3 957 h, and provided beam time 3 353 h for 40 experiment users,the termina