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初涉书画艺术品市场者,最感到头疼的问题便是对于作品真伪的鉴别。由于书画真伪的鉴别,牵涉到多方面的修养和经验,这些修养和经验的获得,不仅需要长时期的实践和积累,更牵涉到鉴别者个人的天分问题。如果没有这方面的天分,即使几十年如一日地浸润于此道,也不见得真正能领悟到它的真谛。而大多数初涉书画市场者,天分并不是很高,有些根本就没有天分;再加上在这之前从来没有接触过书画,也就谈不上“长时期的实践和积累”。他们无非是赶时髦、附庸风雅;等而下之的,则把书画艺术品市场等同于证券、期货市场。用做股票、期货的办法“投资”书画,以为借此可以达到保值、升值。这样的人当然更谈不上对于真伪的识别能力了,吃亏上当是常有的事,偶尔吃仙丹升仙,则不过是“瞎猫碰上了死耗子”而已。那么,对于书画真伪缺少甚至根本不具备鉴别能力的人来 The first painting and calligraphy art market, the most troubling problem is the authenticity of the work for the identification. Because of the authenticity of paintings and calligraphy involves many aspects of training and experience, these training and experience to obtain, not only need a long period of practice and accumulation, but also involves the identification of individual talent. Without this talent, even if infiltrated in this way for decades, it is not really true that it can be understood. Most beginners involved in calligraphy and painting market, talent is not high, there is no talent at all; plus before never touched painting, it will not talk about “long practice and accumulation.” They are nothing more than fashionable, arty elegance; and so on, then the art market calligraphy and painting equal to the securities and futures markets. Used as a stock, futures approach “investment” painting, in order to take this can be hedging, appreciation. Such people, of course, let alone the ability to identify the authenticity of the loss of fooled is a common occurrence, and occasionally eat fairy immortal, it is only “blind cat ran into a dead mouse” only. So, for the authenticity of the painting lack of or even do not have the ability to identify people
1 诊断①残角子宫 (其宫腔与其单角子宫腔相通 )妊娠破裂 ;②失血性休克。2 诊断依据及分析2 1 患者停经 5 0余天时尿妊娠试验阳性 ,B超未发现宫内外妊娠迹象 ,提示“双子
1 诊断 ①孕2 产0 2 1+ 4 周孕 ,晚期先兆流产 ;②自发性脾破裂 ;③乙型肝炎 ;④肝功能障碍 ;⑤内出血 ;⑥失血性贫血 (重度 )。2 诊断依据与分析2 1 患者停经 2 1+ 4
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