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一、尿中查见脓细胞能诊断为尿路感染吗 尿常规检查,主张采集早晨第一次清洁中段尿,要求标本及时送检。所谓清洁中段尿,就是把一次尿分成初段、中段及末段来解,只将中间一段送检。若随便拿一点尿去检查,其结果的可靠性差。妇女尿易被白带污染,常可查见脓细胞;男性,尤其是少年。阴茎包皮长,冠状沟内常存积一些污垢,若不将包皮翻过来清洗后留尿检查,亦可造成同样误差。故尿中查见脓细胞,不一定是尿路感染,更不能作为诊断尿路感染的主要依据。临床是还要根据患者有无尿急、尿痛、尿频以及发热、腰痛等全身症状,以及其他血液检查等确诊。 二、有的尿路感染为何容易反复发作尿路感染反复发生,可能是重新感染;也可能是复发。若为复发,则多为肾盂肾炎。说明上次治疗失败。究其原因常见有:(1)所用抗生素对细菌不太敏感,或药量不足,或细菌已产生抗药性;(2)用药时间太短,可能用药1~2天症状消失后,病人自动停止用药;(3)肾脏内感染灶内有效药物浓度不足, First, see the pus in urine can be diagnosed as urinary tract infection Urine routine examination, advocating the acquisition of the first clean urine in the morning, requiring specimens to be submitted in time. The so-called clean mid-urine, is a urine into the beginning, middle and end of the solution, only the middle of a submission. If you take a little urine to check, the reliability of the results is poor. Urine easily contaminated with leucorrhea, often see pus; men, especially juveniles. Penile foreskin long, coronal ditch often accumulate some dirt, if not turn the foreskin over to stay after cleaning urine examination, can also cause the same error. Therefore, check the urine see pus, not necessarily urinary tract infection, but can not be used as the main basis for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection. Clinical is also based on whether the patient has urinary urgency, dysuria, urinary frequency and fever, back pain and other systemic symptoms, and other blood tests confirmed. Second, some urinary tract infections easily recurrent urinary tract infections occur repeatedly, may be re-infection; may also be relapse. If the recurrence, then mostly pyelonephritis. The last treatment failed. The reasons are common: (1) the antibiotics used are not sensitive to bacteria, or insufficient dose, or bacteria have produced resistance; (2) medication time is too short, may be medication 1 to 2 days after symptoms disappear, the patient automatically stop Medication; (3) the concentration of effective drugs in the lesion in the kidney is not enough,
为研究不同磷水平对植物的影响,以马尾松为研究对象,采用水培方法,研究无磷、正常磷(1 mmol·L^-1,为对照)和间歇磷(1 mmol·L^-1)处理下马尾松幼苗生长及叶片保护酶系统
《贾平凹及其文学的文化意义新探》是近年国内贾平凹研究领域比较重要的一部著作。展现了作者深厚的学术积累和卓异的学术敏感,以及真诚独特的个性批评风范。 “Jia Pingwa
前列腺增生症 (BPH)是老年男性的常见病。发病率随年龄而递增。 40~ 49岁仅占 1 0 % ,60~ 70岁可高达 85 % [1 ] ,手术是有效的治疗方法 ,但在一些高危病人 ,不能耐受手术或为配合
无精子症精液中无精子 ,半在短期内重复检查均获同样结果为无精子症。现将近 10年来我院就诊的 72例不育病人进行分析 ,发现有 5 7例为无精子症 ,其中染色体异常 7例、现报告
中国要在这个世纪走向世界一流国家,高铁是必然也是最优路径。没有高铁建设这个支点,中国将迷失在中等发达国 If China wants to go to a world-class country in this cent
长期留置尿管易导致下尿路感染、粘膜水肿、尿管表面形成结石、拔管时尿道出血等并发症。经我们采取了相应的防治措施,取得较好效果,现报告如下。 临床资料 1.一般资料:本组25例,均为