Losartan to prevent hyperenzymemia after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan-creatography: A randomiz

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qianchen912009
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AIM: To study if the angiotensin Ⅱ receptor blockers (ARB) losartan counteracts pancreatic hyperenzymemiaas measured 24 h after endoscopic retrograde cholan-giopancreatography (ERCP).METHODS: A triple-blind and placebo-controlled ran-domized clinical trial was performed at two Swedish hospitals in 2006-2008. Patients over 18 years of age undergoing ERCP, excluding those with current pancreatitis, current use of ARB, and severe disease, such as sepsis, liver and renal failure. One oral dose of 50 mg losartan or placebo was given one hour before ERCP. The relative risk of hyperenzymemia 24 h after ERCP was estimated using multivariable logistic regression, and expressed as odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), including adjustment for potential remaining confounding.RESULTS: Among 76 participating patients, 38 were randomized to the losartan and the placebo group, re-spectively. The incidence rates of hyperenzymemia and acute pancreatitis among all 76 participating patients were 21% and 12%, respectively. Hyperenzymemia was detected in 9 and 7 patients in the losartan and placebo group, respectively. There were no major differences between the comparison groups regarding cannulation difficulty, findings, or proportion of patients requiring drainage of the bile ducts. There were, how-ever, more pancreatic duct injections, a greater extent of pancreatography, and more biliary sphincterotomies in the losartan group than in the placebo group. Losar-tan was not associated with risk of hyperenzymemia compared to the placebo group after multi-varible logis-tic regression analysis (odds ratio 1.6, 95%CI 0.3-7.8).CONCLUSION: In this randomized trial 50 mg losartan given orally had no prophylactic effect on development of hyperenzymemia after ERCP. AIM: To study if the angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) losartan counteracts pancreatic hyperenzymemiaas measured 24 h after endoscopic retrograde cholan-giopancreatography (ERCP). METHODS: A triple-blind and placebo-controlled ran-domized clinical trial was performed at two Swedish hospitals in 2006-2008. Patients over 18 years of age undergoing ERCP, excluding those with current pancreatitis, current use of ARB, and severe disease, such as sepsis, liver and renal failure. One oral dose of 50 mg losartan or placebo was given One hour before ERCP. The relative risk of hyperenzymemia 24 h after ERCP was estimated using multivariable logistic regression, and expressed as odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), including adjustment for potential remaining confounding .RESULTS: Among 76 participating patients, 38 were randomized to the losartan and the placebo group, re-spectively. The incidence rates of hyperenzymemia and acute pancreatitis among all 76 participating patients w ere 21% and 12%, respectively. Hyperenzymemia was detected in 9 and 7 patients in the losartan and placebo group, respectively. There were no major differences between the comparison groups regarding cannulation difficulty, findings, or proport of patients requiring drainage of the bile ducts. There were, how-ever, more pancreatic duct injections, a greater extent of pancreatography, and more biliary sphincterotomies in the losartan group than in the placebo group. Losar-tan was not associated with risk of hyperenzymemia compared to the placebo group after multi-varible logis-tic regression analysis (odds ratio 1.6, 95% CI 0.3-7.8). CONCLUSION: In this randomized trial 50 mg losartan given orally had no prophylactic effect on development of hyperenzymemia after ERCP.
Objective:To elucidates the immunoprophylactic potential of glutathion-s-transferase(GST) from cattle filarial parasite Setaria digitata(S.digitata) against lym
在中国帝王级的人物中间,真正称得上为诗人的,曹操得算一个。虽然曹操不是帝王,但胜似帝王。如果有这种帝王文学排行榜的话,曹操名列前茅,例属三甲,是毫无疑问的。甚至可以说是拔得头筹的金牌得主,这样的评价,也不算过分。  他的诗,写得实在的好,绝非那些附庸风雅的帝王可比。在中国,凡皇帝,无论识字的,不识字的;无论会写的,不会写的,穿上龙袍,坐上龙椅以后,都想在诗词上“得瑟”两下,在文学上“显摆”一通,几
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长期以来,许多语文教师一直围绕应试展开教学。教师在教学中不留“盲点”地把书本知识讲深讲透,然后要求学生记住这些知识和结论,甚至不问结论是否符合实际情况。在这种教学模式下,学生连思考的机会都没有,更不用说思维能力的培养了。  《语文课程标准》中要求:“语文教师在教学中必须指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言,丰富语言发展学生语言能力的同时,发展思维能力,激发想象力和创造潜能。”新《课标》把“发展思维能力