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如今旅游也成了连锁门店里的商品——几十条适合假日出游的旅游线路开始在“好邻居”便民连锁店销售。 超市连锁店销售旅游线路在发达国家是一种成熟的旅游促销方式,如法国的大型超市黎格勒和家乐福,去年都招揽了24万人次的游客。国旅国内旅游公司与“好邻居”便民连锁店,借鉴国外经验,联合开展“旅游线路”上柜台,这还是件新鲜事。 有关资料介绍,法国黎格勒超市早在9年前就开始销售“廉价假期”旅游,并一炮打响,获得众多顾客欢迎。在法国超市销售的旅游线路,价格有吸 Nowadays, tourism has also become a commodity in the chain stores - dozens of tourist routes suitable for holidays start to be sold in “good neighbors” convenient chain stores. Supermarket chain sales of tourist routes in developed countries is a mature tourism promotion methods, such as the French supermarkets Rygare and Carrefour, last year have recalled 240,000 visitors. CITS domestic tourism companies and “good neighbors” convenient chain stores, learn from foreign experience, jointly carry out the “tourist routes” on the counter, this is still something new. Relevant information, the French supermarket Laigle 9 years ago began selling “cheap holiday” tourism, and an instant hit, many customers welcomed. In the French supermarket sales of tourist routes, the price suction
使用MP2/6-311++G(2d,2p)方法和基组,计算了丁酸甲酯单分子解离反应体系详细的势能面。应用RRKM理论,计算了在1000-5000 K的温度范围内的正则系综的速率常数。与此同时,在微
Objective: The purpose of this prospective study was to determine whether the timing of prophylactic antibiotics at cesarean delivery influences maternal/neonat
《翰香馆法书》共计十二卷。其中《翰香馆法书》十卷,为清初刘光 刻,刻成于康熙十六年(1677);《寄苑十帖》二卷,为清初虞世璎临刻。“翰香馆”是刘光 的书斋名。刘光旸,字雨若,安徽
Background: The effects of maternal phenylalanine on the fetus include facial dysmorphism, microcephaly, intrauterine growth retardation, developmental delay, a
合肥市肥东县磨店乡东北约25公里李鸿章故里祠堂郢以南1公里为蔡田埠地界,在一条东西向上路北交叉口的水沟内自1982年以来共发现了南宋金牌15件。今介绍其中的1件: Hefei Feid