Accuracy of the automated cell counters for management of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a5823869
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AIM: To evaluate the accuracy of automated blood cell counters for ascitic polymorphonuclear (PMN) determination for: (1) diagnosis, (2) efficacy of the ongoing antibiotic therapy, and (3) resolution of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP). METHODS: One hundred and twelve ascitic fluid samples were collected from 52 consecutive cirrhotic patients, 16 of them with SBP. The agreement between the manual and the automated method for PMN count was assessed. The sensitivity/specificity and the positive/negative predictive value of the automated blood cell counter were also calculated by considering the manual method as the “gold standard” . RESULTS: The mean ± SD of the difference between manual and automated measurements was 7.8 ± 58 cells/mm3, while the limits of agreement were +124 cells/mm3 [95% confidence interval (CI): +145 to +103] and -108 cells/mm3 (95% CI: -87 to -129). The automated cell counter had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 97.7% in diagnosing SBP, and a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 100% for the efficacy of the ongoing antibiotic therapy. The two methods showed a complete agreement for the resolution of infection. CONCLUSION: Automated cell counters not only have a good diagnostic accuracy, but are also very effective in monitoring the antibiotic treatment in patients with SBP. Because of their quicker performance, they should replace the manual counting for PMN determination in the ascitic fluid of patients with SBP. AIM: To evaluate the accuracy of automated blood cell counters for ascitic polymorphonuclear (PMN) determination for: (1) diagnosis, (2) efficacy of the ongoing antibiotic therapy, and (3) resolution of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis The agreement between the manual and the automated method for PMN count was assessed. The sensitivity / specificity and the positive / negative predictive value of the automated RESULTS: The mean ± SD of the difference between manual and automated measurements was 7.8 ± 58 cells / mm3, while the limits of agreement were +124 cells / mm3 [95% confidence interval (CI): +145 to +103] and -108 cells / mm3 (95% CI: -87 to -129). The automated cell counter had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 97.7% in diagnosed SBP, and as The two methods showed a complete agreement for the resolution of infection. CONCLUSION: Automated cell counters not only have a good diagnostic accuracy, but are also very effective in monitoring the antibiotic treatment in patients with SBP. Because of their quicker performance, they should replace the manual counting for PMN determination in the ascitic fluid of patients with SBP.
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