掌握猜词要领 提高阅读速度

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猜测词语的正确意思是语言学习的基本功之一。高考阅读理解中每年都有一些教学大纲和考试说明都没出现的生词,这还不包括派生词、合成词和熟词生义(熟词被赋予全新的含义),而文章又不加任何注释,这无疑会影响考生的阅读,这就要求考生掌握猜词方法,从已知推出未知。 The correct meaning of guessing words is one of the basic skills of language learning. In the college entrance examination reading comprehension, there are some new words that do not appear in the syllabus and exam description every year. This does not include derivative words, compound words, and the meaning of familiar words (compelled words are given a new meaning), and the article does not include any notes. This will undoubtedly affect the candidate’s reading, which requires the candidate to master the guessing method and to know from the unknown.
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蒙波·希阿迪内伊(Mempo Giardinelli.1947一)是拉丁美洲文学爆炸后的代表性作家,在阿根廷文学中占有举足轻重的地位。
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在有关语态的练习当中,学生常见易错的有:误用语态用法;误用构成;漏用词;误用词或短语。一、误用语态用法练习①:选择正确的答案1.——Have all the students knownthat our