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海因兹·多普施和汉斯·施帕特热里格的关于萨尔茨堡的历史专著在规模和手法上都是一部不朽的著作。编辑们聚集了一批奥地利最主要的历史学家,包括恩斯特·汉尼施和埃尼卡·威因杰尔,来编纂奥地利这一重要地区的权威史著。与提洛尔相比,萨尔茨堡是奥地利新近归属的部分。在独立存在近一千年后,萨尔茨堡只是在拿破仑一世时期才正式被并入奥地利帝国。在1803年至1816年间,对萨尔茨堡的管辖权易手不少于五次。它从一个18世纪的教会国家被转变为一个世俗国家,并成为19世纪奥地利最重要的有选举权的地区之一。可是,在萨尔茨堡最终并入奥地利的政治一体化之前,这一地区经历了法国和巴伐利亚的短期的非宗教统治。与奥地利的大部分地区一样,萨尔茨堡也是一块在中间的地域,忠诚和传统常使它与受到奥地利的约束一样多地受到德国南部或巴伐利亚势力范围的约束。萨尔茨堡的情况让我们的奥地利地方史学家思考一个关键的问题:奥地利与德国南部领土之间的社会和文化联系有多么牢固? 在这一卷中,汉斯·赫斯全面地评述19世纪萨尔茨堡的政治、文化及社会的发展。赫斯是从事地方史社会、文化研究最好的实践者之一。他对于19世纪奥地利的阶级和民众团体的情况十分了解,这里仅举 Heinz Doschüss and Hans Spitzereigli’s historical monographs on Salzburg are both monumental works both in scale and in tactics. The editors gathered a group of the most prominent historians in Austria, including Ernst Hanniss and Enika Voinjar, to compile a history of the authority of an important part of Austria. Compared with Tirol, Salzburg is a newly-owned part of Austria. Almost 1,000 years after independence, Salzburg was formally incorporated into the Austrian empire only during Napoleon I. Between 1803 and 1816, the jurisdiction of Salzburg changed hands no less than five times. It was transformed from an 18th-century church nation into a secular state and became one of the most important Austria’s right to vote in the nineteenth century. However, shortly before the political integration of Salzburg into Austria, the region experienced short-term, secular, non-religious rule in France and Bavaria. Like most parts of Austria, Salzburg is also a middle ground, with loyalty and traditions often constraining it as much by the forces of southern Germany or Bavaria as Austria does. The case of Salzburg Let our Austrian local historians think the crucial question: How solidly is the social and cultural link between Austria and the southern German territory? In this volume, Hans Hirsch comprehensively reviews 19 Century Salzburg’s political, cultural and social development. Hess is one of the best practitioners engaged in social studies and cultural studies in local history. He knows very well the situation of classes and mass groups in Austria in the 19th century and cites here
Objective:The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of Pin1 on the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in human colorectal carcinoma SW620 cells. Methods: We
患者 ,男 ,6 4岁。因无痛性血尿 5d于 2 0 0 0年 2月 9日收入院。 5d前患者出现无诱因、无痛性全程肉眼血尿 ,无发热 ,皮肤无瘀斑、瘀点 ,浅表淋巴结不大 ,胸骨无压痛 ,心肺无
1967年初,中国一批留欧学生在向列宁墓敬献花圈时,遭到前苏联军警的疯狂镇压,发生了“一·二五莫斯科红场流血事件”.岁月匆匆,沧海桑田.今天,中国已从“左” 的桎梏中解放出