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   For many of us, chicken soup can soothe the soul and mac and cheese can erase a bad day. We eat chocolate when we feel gloomy. And we eat chocolate ice cream to help us get over a bad breakup.
   These comfort foods usually aren’t so good for our arteries, but we tend to think they have healing effects—that they’re the cure for all our emotional problems.
   But maybe they’re not, says Traci Mann, a professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota. In a recent study, Mann and some colleagues put 100 college students in a bad mood by making them watch clips from sad movies. They then fed half the students their favorite comfort food, while the other students ate food they enjoyed, but wouldn’t consider comfort food.
   Once the students had finished eating, the researchers asked the students how they felt. It turns out that all the students felt better, regardless of what they had eaten.
   “That is not what we expected,” Mann says. “We kept repeating the study, because we didn’t believe it.”
   In another experiment, Mann had half the kids eat comfort food, and the other half eat nothing. After a few minutes, both groups felt equally better. The comfort food had no effect on their mood.
   The results of these experiments appeared in Health Psychology. “People are taking this very hard,” Mann says. “I guess it removes a very handy justification people have for eating comfort food.”
   Of course, the study has a few significant limitations. For one, it only looked at a particular kind of negative mood—caused by watching sad films. Other studies have come to different conclusions. For example, one in 2011, published in the journal Psychological Science, suggested that eating chicken soup may help some people feel less lonely.
   And the researchers didn’t look at the reallife situations in which people eat comfort foods. “Maybe the comfort from comfort food comes from going to a cafe acquiring it,” Mann says. The research on the psychological effects of comfort food is not very thorough, she notes, so we don’t have any definite answers yet.
   David Levitsky, a professor of nutrition at Cornell University, says Mann’s research is in line with what he would have expected. “We tend to look for a magic solution to our problems,” Levitsky says.
   The idea that we can feel better by simply eating certain foods is very appealing, he says, “but in actuality, feeling better has nothing to do with the food itself, and it’s a very weak psychological effect.”    The comfort foods we turn to the most are the ones we ate while growing up, or the ones that remind us of celebrations, Levitsky says. We may associate chicken soup with all those times Mom took care of us when we were little, and maybe mashed potatoes remind us of joyful Thanksgivings.
   Remember that scene from the movie Ratatouille, when an angry food critic tastes a meal that makes him feel like a kid again?
   We think that eating foods that remind us of home, or of good times, will make us feel better when we’re down, Levitsky says. “But we don’t know if it’s performing the function that people want it to.”
   So does this mean we should step away from the Ben
敬畏  小时候,每当皓月当空的夜晚,我总是喜欢伸出一根手指,指着天空的月亮说:“今天的月亮好大呀!”“你们看,月亮里面有人在砍树呢!”我开心地叫嚷着。父亲却不高兴,厉声斥责我:“你别用手指着月亮,指多了,会烂耳朵,会耳聋的。”我怕烂耳朵,怕听不到旁人说话,以后,渐渐的真就不再用手指着月亮说话了。  成年后才知道,指着别人说话是一个不好的习惯。父亲用烂耳朵和耳聋的恶果来唬我,实际是借了孩童对月亮的敬
我们听过,很会经营人生的人,往往将快乐延后,不急享受,先努力付出,待之后再一起享受快乐,这叫做“快乐延迟”,是成功人士的特质之一。  但,你有听过“痛苦延迟”吗?  之前有一个朋友,从国外回到台湾,从月薪20万降到5万,工作环境又非常差,每天都要出差来回台北和新竹。  而他每次开车上高速公路,又小又塞车,就会令他更怀念起国外的高速公路。  “我一看到高速公路那些低矮的灌木丛以及写中文的路牌,就满心
几乎每个公共话题,在网上都能吵成一团,像“黄晓明的奢华婚礼”“屠呦呦获诺奖”“TPP对中国的威胁”等等。我们能越吵越聪明吗?用这种吵法很难,因它总会陷入“各持己见——尖锐对立——互相攻击——势不两立”的小圈子,难以自拔。  但,只要做两个小小的改变,我们是可以越吵越聪明的。  一、抛弃单一因果关系的思维。在我们的思维工具中,“因果关系”常被采用,认为有果必有因,且原因是单一的,但在不同论者眼里,这
“一言不合就开撕”——相信几乎每个网友都在朋友圈、网络论坛中遭遇过各类话题的争执。尤其在微信群聊中,总有个别人不顾及其他群友的感受,特别喜欢在群里就敏感话题大发“真知灼见”,只要别人跟他观点不同,严厉批评的“板砖”就要拍上来,随即演化为一场“恶斗”。  在我的观察中,最容易引爆舆论的话题多是本身充满争议的新闻事件。这类新闻一般都有悬而未决和反常态两大特点。比如,魏则西事件发生后,网上舆论纷纷声讨百
一、名词或代词作介词宾语  Are you interested in history?  你对历史感兴趣吗?  Don’t worry about it.  别为它担心。  【说明】  若是人称代词用作介词宾语,要注意用宾格。如:No one can sing like her. 没有人能像她那样唱歌。(不能用like she)  二、动名词作介词宾语  He is good at tellin
对于很多小留学生来说,去美国读中学总是有着不可名状的“优越感”,因为在他们和家长的印象中,除了语言的差异,他们的小学文化基础是优于美国学生的。但是,这样的教育优势为什么到了大学却发生了惊天“逆转”,教育专家为你揭开谜底。  美国的中小学教育,尤其是公立中小学教育,跟中国相比,其实并不怎样:同一个年级比较,中国学生的基础知识和解题能力平均来说明显比美国学生好很多。斯坦福大学博士曾经做过一个对比研究,
回想起志摩先生,我记得最清楚的是他那双银灰色的眸子。其实他的眸子当然不是银灰色的,可是我每次看见他那种惊奇的眼神,好像正在猜人生的谜,又好像正在一叶一叶揭开宇宙的神秘,我就觉得他的眼睛真带了一些银灰色。他的眼睛又有点像希腊雕像那两片光滑的,仿佛含有无穷情调的眼睛,我所说银灰色的感觉也就是这个意思罢。  他好像时时刻刻都在惊奇着。人世的悲欢,自然的美景,以及日常的琐事,他都觉得是很古怪的,从来没有看
在阿里巴巴公益网页上,有这样一段话:“命运,在最意想不到的时候,给她迎头一击,触手可及的美好明天忽然变成倾盆大雨。消沉过后,她尝试着走出去。无法站起,她就用笔尖书写生命的高度;无法奔跑,她就用车轮丈量生活的宽阔。她用行走28国告诉我们,走出去就是胜利,20万游记里,更是饱含她对生命的热爱,对他人的鼓励。变故来了,我们就笑着面对,因为一切,真的没有那么糟!”  这是对刘燚最好的评价。车祸后高位截瘫的
最近,一段“樱桃核有毒,5颗毒倒成年人”的视频在微信朋友圈热传,其文字解释为:樱桃核仁含“氰苷”,被食用后,与胃酸反应,产生剧毒的氰基离子,一市民吃了5颗樱桃后,感觉肚子疼痛、呼吸困难,送到医院抢救,被确诊为“氰中毒。”  这一视频被加上“紧急通知,小心丢了性命”等字眼后,被迅速传播,让大家惊恐不安。记者向医学、营养学专家求证,专家表示,不谈剂量谈健康是不科学的。临床上,氢氰酸导致人中毒的剂量,大