Characteristics of Abnormal Pressure Systems and Their Responses of Fluid in Huatugou Oil Field,Qaid

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qweaz1
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Based on the comprehensive study of core samples,well testing data,and reservoir fluid properties,the construction and the distribution of the abnormal pressure systems of the Huatugou oil field in Qaidam Basin are discussed.The correlation between the pressure systems and hydrocarbon accumulation is addressed by analyzing the corresponding fluid characteristics.The results show that the Huatugou oil field as a whole has low formation pressure and low fluid energy;therefore,the hydrocarbons are hard to migrate,which facilitates the forming of primary reservoirs.The study reservoirs,located at the Xiayoushashan Formation(N_2~1) and the Shangganchaigou Formation(N_1) are relatively shallow and have medium porosity and low permeability.They are abnormal low-pressure reservoirs with an average formation pressure coefficient of 0.61 and 0.72 respectively.According to the pressure coefficient and geothermal anomaly,the N_1 and N_2~1 Formations belong to two independent temperature-pressure systems,and the former has slightly higher energy.The low-pressure compartments consist of a distal bar as the main body,prodelta mud as the top boundary,and shore and shallow lake mud or algal mound as the bottom boundary.They are vertically overlapped and horizontally paralleled.The formation water is abundant in the Cl~- ion and can be categorized as CaCl_2 type with high salinity,which indicates that the abnormal low-pressure compartments are in good sealing condition and beneficial for oil and gas accumulation and preservation. Based on the comprehensive study of core samples, well testing data, and reservoir fluid properties, the construction and the distribution of the abnormal pressure systems of the Huatugou oil field in Qaidam Basin are discussed. The correlation between the pressure systems and hydrocarbon accumulation is addressed. by analyzing the corresponding fluid characteristics. results show that the Huatugou oil field as a whole has low formation pressure and low fluid energy; therefore, the hydrocarbons are hard to migrate, which facilitates the forming of primary reservoirs. study reservoirs, located at the Xiayoushashan Formation (N_2 ~ 1) and the Shangganchaigou Formation (N_1) are relatively shallow and have medium porosity and low permeability. They are abnormal low-pressure reservoirs with an average formation pressure coefficient of 0.61 and 0.72 respectively. According to the pressure coefficient and geothermal anomaly, the N_1 and N_2 ~ 1 Formations belong to two independent temperature-pressure s ystems, and the former has slightly higher energy. The low-pressure compartments consist of a distal bar as the main body, prodelta mud as the top boundary, and shore and shallow lake mud or algal mound as the bottom boundary. They are vertically overlapped and horizontally paralleled.The formation water is abundant in the Cl ~ - ion and can be categorized as CaCl_2 type with high salinity, which indicates that the abnormal low-pressure compartments are in good sealing condition and beneficial for oil and gas accumulation and preservation.
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患者 女,73岁.因反复腹胀、腹痛2个月入院.腹痛以脐周及剑突下为甚,呈阵发性,与进食无明显关系,伴反酸、嗳气、嗝逆,头晕、心悸.体检:腹平软,脐周及剑突下压痛,无反跳痛,肝脾未扪及.B超:胰腺形态大小正常,表面光滑,实质回声中等均匀,主胰管无扩张,未见明显结石及肿块声像.实验室检查:红细胞300×1012/L,血红蛋白58g/L,血小板357×109/L,白细胞3.3×109/L,糖类抗原(CA