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在甘肃省临夏市北巷47号一所普通的院落内,住着一位年近古稀、和蔼可亲的老人,他就是被江泽民同志亲笔题词,被国家人事部、民政部、解放军总政治部授予“爱国拥军模范”的回族老鞋匠喇震洲。改革开放以来,喇震洲子承父志,发扬先辈爱国拥军的光荣传统。1996年初的一天,喇震洲从电视里看到了天安门国旗护卫队的专题介绍后,把对祖国的热爱、对子弟兵的热爱都倾注到天安门国旗护卫队的官兵身上,于是, In an ordinary courtyard at No. 47 North Lane, Linxia City, Gansu Province, he lived in an old age and affable old man who was personally inscribed by Comrade Jiang Zemin and was awarded the title of “Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Civil Affairs and PLA General Political Department. Patriotic Yongjun model ”of the Hui old shoemaker Lazen Chau. Since the reform and opening up, the Laizhou Chauzu inherited his fathers’ fathers tradition and carried forward the glorious tradition of patriotic support and advancement by the ancestors. One day after the beginning of 1996, after Laosheng Island saw the presentation of the Tiananmen Guards National Guard from the television, devoting itself to the love of the motherland and the devotion to the armed forces of its armed forces to the officers and men of the Tiananmen Guards National Guard,
Using the example of the PHELIX high-energy short pulse laser we discuss the technical preconditions to investigate ion acceleration with submicrometer thick ta
The application of laser pulses with psec or shorter duration enables nonthermal efficient ultrahigh acceleration of plasma blocks with homogeneous high ion ene
万福海在梅河口市(原海龙县)历任东线总兵站教导员、区委书记、县委组织部长、县委副书记,1983年从县人大常委会主任的岗位上离休,2003年6月29日因病去世,终年82岁。 万福海
这是一个军人的家庭,夫妻双方分别就职于兰州军区总医院 MR 室和肿瘤科。这是一个革命的家庭,夫妻双方均为中共党员,均生长在革命军人的家庭。李晋川和张红大学是同窗,是好