Managing Profitable Food and Beverage Operations

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  As business is becoming more and more competitive in food and beverage operations, many top managers are increasingly recognized that purchasing and supply chain management is the key business drivers in this operation. And again it appears that buyers and supply managers can contribute significantly to the company’s bottom line. The business context of many companies has radically changed nowadays and most changes are not only trends but also the result of large, unruly forces that will have a lasting effect on the world economy (Van Weele, 2005). And also many people are now realizing that only with the suitable purchasing and supply chain management and a proactive approach of cost control, forecast and performance measurement can a food and beverage operation gain the competitive advantages in such a difficult trading environment and make money.
  The role of purchasing and supply chain management is very important in food and beverage operations. As purchasing can be defined as a function that concerned with search, selection, purchase, receipt, storage and the final use of a commodity in accordance with the catering policy of the company, it suggests that the person employed to purchase foods and beverages for an company will be responsible not only for the purchasing but also receiving, storage and issuing of all the commodities as well as being involved with the purpose of which items are purchased and the final use right of them, in many organizations this job role may come under the heading of procurement and be a function of the finance department because if managed inefficiently it will create problems that often result in an unsatisfactory level of both costs and profit of the restaurant and also the dissatisfied customers. With no specifications of the commodities there would be neither quality nor quantity standards resulting in over-ordering or under-ordering, as yields for items would be indeterminable because of the receiving department can only be able to check on the quantity but not the quality of it, so the work in stores and preparation departments would be difficult with the quality of produces varying greatly. Finally, it would be difficult to measure the satisfactorily performance of departments if they are continually being provided with non-standardized commodity items. And in some large companies the purchasing and supply chain management function may be responsible for a wide range of non-food items which include small equipment, cleaning materials, linen etc. (Davis et al., 2008). The challenge of purchasing and supply chain management in future is to balance the requirements of reliable and prompt customer delivery with manufacturing and inventory costs. Supply chain modeling enable managers to evaluate which options will provide the greatest improvement in customer satisfaction as well as at a reasonable cost, the supply chain is modeled as a network that captures the relationships between asset cost (i.e., inventory and capital equipment) and the time domain characteristics of customer service (i.e., responsiveness and reliability in customer delivery) (Fitzsimmons, J. A. and Fitzsimmons, M. J, 2008).   Profit is what remains when subtract expenses from revenue. As economist Joseph A. Schumpeter once said: “profit is the expression of value that the entrepreneurs contribute to the production.” In order to improve the profit, or sometimes can be called the bottom line, the management work of maximize the revenue and minimize the expenses is really important. Expenses are including food costs, labor costs, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, insurance, license fees, advertising, repairs and maintenance, administrative and other general expenses, hence the company must create and act upon a detailed action plan for each of these expenses (Ojugo, 2010).
  A potential cost is the expectation of what the food cost should be when complying with all the cost control procedures. In other words, it is the standard by which people measure the food cost efficiency of their operations. Using menu recipes people can easily calculate what each item should cost by adding the costs of each recipe ingredient, but the difficulty of forecasting the potential cost is that it does not take into account of those possible wastes, spoilage or cooking errors, it is only the cost of the menu items if nothing is burned, misused, spoiled or wasted. And the actual cost is a fairly self-explanatory term, it is how much people actually spend on their foods, it is the amount that will show up on the restaurant’s profit and loss statement. Since we know that there will have many expenses when doing a business, some are controllable while some are not, but the actual food cost is the most controllable and flexible one, it consists of cost of food sold to customers; cost of food lost through poor purchasing practices (this includes incorrect items ordered or incorrect orders due to poor quality, inappropriate quantity or other incorrect purchase specification); cost of food lost in receiving and storage (this contains spoilage, theft from the receiving dock, theft from storage, short shipments and improper receiving procedures); cost of food lost in production (this includes inaccurate yield tests, inaccurate recipes, over portioning, overproduction and waste) and cost of food lost by the front of the house (this contains incorrect orders, spills and broken orders) (Ojugo, 2010).
  Davis et al (2008) states that successful forecasting is one of the important management tools for food and beverage control, good performance of the staffs will also help to identify how well a business is doing when comparing to customers’ expectations and competitions and a success business also depends directly on the wise staff planning because labor costs in an industry typically range from 30 to 40 percent of the food and beverage revenue. In conjunction with food cost, labor cost is often referred to as the prime cost because it constitutes the vast majority of expenses in most operations. Therefore staff planning must balance the needs of three groups: management, to minimize costs; employees, for improved hours and pay and also customers, for improved service. In a word, controlling costs involves an amalgam of techniques that minimize the food expenses. Managers need to look for overspending in the purchasing department where incorrect ordering and inaccurate yield testing may cost the restaurant money while receiving and storage personals must be trained to keep their area free of waste and loss (Ojugo, 2010).
  Food and beverage management is the management of all the stages within the catering cycle. It is systematic and organic; quantitative and qualitative; academic and pragmatic also serious and fun (Cousins et al., 2002). Nowadays food and beverage operation is in a high-speed development stage, but with so many competitors it is not easy to be outstanding than others. Meanwhile, the hospitality industry has been facing a series of difficult trading conditions due to the erosion of consumer confidence, rising costs and an extended period of economic slowdown. These have led to add pressures for food and beverage sectors to cut costs while attempting to maintain profitability and customer satisfaction as well as to gain the competitive advantages.
  【作者簡介】Zhou Mo, Guilin Tourism University。
【Abstract】Figurative speech mirrors culture. It implies that translation is a tool for cultural and linguistic exchanges between the two languages. As time rolls on, modern society is interacting much
【摘要】目前,我国少数民族地区大学英语教育在教学定位,实践和评价等方面存在诸多亟待解决的问题。文秋芳教授提出的“产出导向法”理论体系在大学英语教学目标设定,流程实施,评价机制等方面实现了突破,为少数民族地区大学英语教学改革指明了道路。本文拟在分析问题的基础上,就少数民族地区高校英语教学目标,教学环节及评价机制三个方面探究其改革的必要性,以期为地区大学英语教育教改提供参考。  【关键词】产出导向法;
【摘要】在产教融合校企合作的推动下,以西安翻译学院与传神语联网网络科技股份有限公司合作项目为案例研究,本文拟对教师指导学生在涉外公证书英译过程中出现的问题、公司翻译要求等进行总结,并探讨如何进一步提高公证书翻译质量,旨在增强当代大学生的专业实践能力,培养社会所需的翻译人才。  【关键词】校企合作;公证书英译;地址人名翻译  【作者简介】王小娟(1989.04-),女,汉族,陕西铜川人,西安翻译学院
【Abstract】Food nutrition and hygiene course is one of professional courses for undergraduate specialty of food science and engineering. In order to improve the teaching quality of food nutrition and h
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【摘要】现阶段,在素质教育背景下,诸多新型的教育教学理念以及教育教学技术逐渐地出现在了教学过程中,并且得到了广泛的推广与应用。而其中成效最为显著的教育教学理论以及教学技术就是构建主义教学理论以及翻转课堂教学技术,两者都强调凸显出学生的教学中的主体地位,使学生充分地发挥其自主学习能力。将这一教学理念以及教学技术应用到高校英语教学中,对于提升高校英语教学质量有着重要的意义。  【关键词】构建主义;视域
【摘要】高考英语的改革引起了社会的广泛关注。在高考英语改革背景下,高职院校如何调整英语教学的方式也成为现阶段改革对于高职英语教学带来的、最直接的影响。本文主要探讨我国高考英语改革对高职英语教学的影响,并针对这些影响提出进行高职英语教学改革的策略和建议。  【关键词】高考英语改革;高职英语教学;英语实用性  【作者简介】郭欣欣,杨宁宁,曹永立,石家庄科技工程职业学院。  【基金项目】教改项目—201
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