Unfolded Frequency Response and Model of a Multi-Tap Direct Sampling Mixer

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdfsafdsfds
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A transform method was used to model a discrete time multi-tap direct sampling mixer. The method transforms the mixed filtering and down-sampling stages to separate cascade filtering and sampling stages to determine the unfolded frequency response which shows the anti-aliasing ability of the mixer. The transformation can also be applied to other mixed signal and multi-rate receiver systems to analyze their unfolded frequency responses. The transformed system architecture was used to calculate the unfolded frequency response of the multi-tap direct sampling mixer and compared with the mixer model without noise in the advanced design system 2005A environment to further evaluate the frequency response. The simulations show that the-3dB bandwidth is 3.0MHz and the voltage gain is attenuated by 1.5 dB within a 1-MHz baseband bandwidth. A transform method was used to model a discrete time multi-tap direct sampling mixer. The method transforms the mixed filtering and down-sampling stages to separate cascade filtering and sampling stages to determine the unfolded frequency response which shows the anti-aliasing ability of the mixer. The transformation can also be applied to other mixed frequency signals and multi-rate receiver systems to analyze their unfolded frequency responses. The transformed system architecture was used to calculate the unfolded frequency response of the multi-tap direct sampling mixer and compared with the mixer model without noise in the advanced design system 2005A environment to further evaluate the frequency response. The simulations show that the-3dB bandwidth is 3.0MHz and the voltage gain is attenuated by 1.5dB within a 1-MHz baseband bandwidth.
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