
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongchangnie
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Introduction. Chordomas are rare extradural bone tumors arising from notochord remnants, the embryonic structure forming the original axis of the spine. They represent 0.1p. 100 of all intra-cranial tumors. The chordoma is a locally malignant cancer that tends to invade the surrounding tissues. Its localization in the skin is exceptional. Observation. A 56 year-old man developed a nut-sized vegetating nodule on the nasal groove. This lesion appeared a few months following surgery for a frontoglabellar relapse of a chordoma that had developed six years earlier at the base of the skull. Discussion. We report this case because of the rareness of cutaneous involvement and the particular conditions in which it occurred. It may have been due to tumoral seeding during the previous surgical interventions. Introduction. Chordomas are rare extradural bone tumors arising from notochord remnants, the embryonic structure forming the original axis of the spine. They represent 0.1p. 100 of all intra-cranial tumors. The chordoma is a locally malignant cancer that tends to invade the surrounding tissues. Its localization in the skin is exceptional. Observation. A 56 year-old man developed a nut-sized vegetating nodule on the nasal groove. This lesion had a few months following surgery for a frontoglabellar relapse of a chordoma that had developed six years Discussion at this base of the skull. Discussion. We report this case because of the rareness of cutaneous involvement and the particular conditions in which it occurred. It may have been to tumoral seeding during the previous surgical interventions.
7月13日,国际足联(简称FIFA)前主席、96岁高龄的阿维兰热和往常一样在里约热内卢享受着宝贵的晚年时光。这位曾经的世界足坛呼风唤雨式的人物,近日并不“平静”:前不久因心脏“短暂停跳”刚逃过一劫的他,这一天又被纠缠不清的各种黑金丑闻所包围。  不过,阿翁似乎并不害怕,因为早已与FIFA化身于一体的他,早已成为国际足联乃至整个世界足坛无法扳倒的“不倒翁”……  巨额黑金,盘根错节  国际足联再度成
从合理开机、提高蒸发温度、避免冷凝温度升高、热氨融霜、库门维护和定期放油等几个方面,来分析冷库日常运行中的节能措施。 From the rational boot, increase the evapor
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针对安徽省2、3代棉铃虫测报调查中残虫数量少,按幼虫发育进度推测蛾峰、卵峰误差大,不易准确,研究分析,提出2、3代棉铃虫发生期预测方法。 According to the survey of the