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一提起古代田园诗人陶渊明.我们马上会联想起“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”这脍炙人口的优美诗句.陶渊明(公元365—427年),后又改名潜,字元亮,浔阳柴桑(今江西九江市)人.因宅旁有五棵柳树,故自号“五柳先生”,41岁时曾任彭泽令(今江西彭泽县西),后人也称他“陶彭泽”或“陶令”.63岁逝世,谥号“靖节先生”.陶渊明诗歌的卓越成就,对后世产生了巨大影响,在中国文学史上占有重要的地位.陶渊明又是一位带有唯物主义思想倾向的无神论者.虽然他在这方面没有专门的论著,思想史上一般也不会提及,但在他诗文的字里行间不时闪耀着无神论思想的光辉,这在当时封建迷信盛行的年代里,作为一个封建文人,能有这样的思想认识,我们说是难能可贵的.本文即就陶渊明无神论思想的某些表现及其形成原因作一简要论述,以求教于广大同仁.一、对神学目的论的否定所谓神学目的论,就是宗教迷信用以证明神存在的一种流行的理论.肯定人格神的天的存在,认为天有目的意志,能赏善罚恶,这是一切世俗迷信的基础.陶渊明在这个问题上是如何认为的呢?他在《自 Talking about the poet Tao Yuanming, an ancient pastoral poet, we are reminded of the beautiful poem versed in “Picking the Chrysanthemum under the Tureen, Seeing the Nanshan Leisurely.” Tao Yuanming (365-427 AD) Sang (now Jiujiang City, Jiangxi) people because of house next to five willows, it is since the number “Mr. Wuliu”, 41-year-old was Pengze Ling (now Jiangxi Pengze County West), descendants also called him “Tao Pengze ”Or“ Tao ”, died at the age of 63, the number of“ Mr. Jingjie. ”Tao Yuanming's remarkable achievements in poetry have a tremendous impact on future generations, occupy an important position in the history of Chinese literature. Tao Yuanming is another with materialism Thought-oriented atheist .Although he did not have a special treatise in this area, the history of the general will not mention, but in his poetry in the shining lines between the atheistic ideological glory, which was in the era of the prevalence of feudal superstition, As a feudal literati, we can say that it is commendable.We will give a brief account of some of the manifestations of Tao Yuanming's atheism and its causes, so as to seek advice from the vast majority of his colleagues. Deny the so-called Studying teleology is a popular theory of religious superstition to prove the existence of God, affirming the existence of God's heavenly nature, that heaven has a purposeful purpose and can reward good and evil, which is the foundation of all secular superstitions. How do you think the question is?
1.单词拼写(1)The teacher encourages his students to watch beesand other i____.(2)Not all English learners want to become i____or translator.(3)In the i____the
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