
来源 :天津农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohailinbo
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对于栽培稻染色体组型的分析在水稻的细胞遗传学和水稻的染色体工程方面具有重要的意义。栽培稻(Oryga sativa.L.)具有24条染色体,但由于其染色体个体小以及着色性差所以一直妨碍着栽培稻染色体组型的分析工作,但是最近几年中,日本的仓田和武大村发展了一种新的分析栽培稻中期相染色体配对的方法,使栽培稻染色体组型的分析取得了很大的进展,鉴别出12对完整而又清楚的中期染色体。这种方法是由两种常规的方法经修改而来的,这两种方法就是植物 Analysis of the genotypes of cultivated rice chromosomes is of great importance in rice cytogenetics and rice chromosome engineering. Cultivated rice (Oryga sativa L.) has 24 chromosomes, but because of its small chromosomes and poor coloring, it has been a hindrance to the analysis of chromosome constitution of cultivated rice. However, in recent years, Japan’s Kurata and Wuda Village developed A new method for analyzing the pairing of metaphase chromosomes in cultivated rice has made great progress in the analysis of the chromosome constitution of cultivated rice, and 12 pairs of complete and clear metaphase chromosomes have been identified. This method is modified by two conventional methods, the two methods are plants
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