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韩国汽车制造商协会代表了韩国的五个重要汽车企业:现代、起亚、通用韩国、雷诺三星和双龙,这五家企业中有四家是合资公司。在20世纪90年代末期我们经历了亚洲金融危机,在2009我们经历了世界金融危机,韩国汽车制造行业在这两次危机中也深受其害,整车制造公司和零部件制造企业都受到影响。韩国汽车界通过一些措施从两次危机中恢复过来。所以我想谈一下韩国汽车业的发展,希望能给中国同行 The Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association represents five major automotive companies in South Korea: Hyundai, Kia, GM Korea, Renault Samsung and Ssangyong, four of which are joint ventures. In the late 1990s, we experienced the Asian financial crisis. In 2009, we experienced the world financial crisis. The Korean automobile manufacturing industry was also hit hard by these two crises. Vehicle manufacturing companies and parts manufacturers were affected . South Korea auto industry recovered from the two crises by some measures. So I’d like to talk about the development of South Korea’s auto industry, hoping to give Chinese counterparts
子宫破裂是产科严重的并发症之一。随着围生医学的发展,由难产手术和滥用缩宫素导致的子宫破裂很少发生。目前子宫破裂比较常见的原因为急产、多产、外伤、臀位助产及 Uteri
美国马里兰州巴尔的摩约翰斯霍普金斯大学的Frederick L.Brancati教授近日报道说,较低的肺活量可独立预示2型糖尿病的发展。糖尿病与肺功能之间存在一定的关联,目前尚不清楚
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A series of Pd/La-Al2O3(PLA) catalysts with La-Al2O3(LA) support calcined at different temperatures(500, 700, 900 and 1050 oC) were prepared using an incipient
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Detection of Cu(Ⅱ) is very important in disease diagnose, biological system detection and environmental monitoring. Previously, we found that the product TPE-