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2005年5月27日至29日,全军纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年学术研讨会在南京召开。总政治部孙忠同副主任出席会议并讲话,中国军事科学学会会长、军事科学院院长郑申侠上将和南京政治学院院长王日中少将作主题发言。军事科学院政委温宗仁上将致开幕词。军事科学院副院长葛东升中将主持会议。抗日老战士代表、南京军区原政治委员傅奎清和原副司令员詹大南到会讲话。中国军事科学学会副会长、军事科学院原副院长靡振玉中将作会议总结。中国军事科学学会秘书长、军事科学院科研指导部部长曾庆洋少将宣读获奖论文名单。南京政治学院政治委员文忠民少将致欢迎词。会议由中国军事科学学会和解放军南京政治学院主办,军队和地方130余名代表参加。 From May 27 to May 29, 2005, the entire army held a symposium to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japan and the world anti-fascist war in Nanjing. General Political Department Sun Zhongtong attended the meeting and delivered speeches, and President Zheng Shenxia, ​​president of the Chinese Academy of Military Science and the Academy of Military Sciences, made a keynote speech with Major General Wang Zhizhong, president of the Nanjing Political Science Institute. Wen Zengren, political commissar of the Academy of Military Sciences, made an opening speech. Lieutenant General Ge Dongsheng, vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences, presided over the conference. Representatives of the Anti-Japanese Warriors, Fu Kui-ching, former political commissar of the Nanjing Military Region, and Zhan Dainan, former deputy commander, will come to speak. Vice President of China Academy of Military Sciences, former vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences extravagant Zhen Yu for the conference summary. Major General Zeng Qingyang, secretary general of Chinese Academy of Military Sciences and director of the scientific research and guidance department of the Academy of Military Science, read the list of the winning papers. Major General Wen Zhongmin, political commissar of Nanjing Political College, delivered a welcoming address. The conference was sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences and the PLA Political Science Institute of Nanjing, attended by more than 130 representatives from the military and local governments.
Past researches have shown that the non-smooth body surfaces of soil burrowing animals help to reduce soil resistance. In this research, this concept of bionic