坚定信心 增强责任 开拓进取 认真打好三个攻坚战

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1997年是我省经济爬坡上坎的重要一年,铜仁地区贫困人口多,脱贫难度大,地方财政自给能力微弱,国有企业改革任务重,按照中央和省经济工作会议的要求,要打好扶贫攻坚、加强财源建设和国企改革,就必须坚定信心、增强责任以实事求是的科学态度,因地制宜,借助外援,找准符合本地实际的攻坚路子,打好三个攻坚战。制定切实可行的措施,如期完成这三个攻坚任务。一是实施攻坚任务责任制。由各级常委政府一把手对三个攻坚战任务负总责。做到统一协调、相互促进;二是按系统,分部门,有层次地将三个攻坚任务分解落实到县、乡、 1997 is an important year for economic climbing in our province. There are many poor people in Tongren area, so it is very difficult to get out of poverty and local financial self-sufficiency. The reform tasks of state-owned enterprises are heavy. In accordance with the requirements of the Central and Provincial Economic Work Conferences, To tackle the problem of poverty alleviation and strengthen the construction of state-owned enterprises and the construction of financial resources, we must strengthen our confidence and enhance our responsibility to seek truth from facts. We must use foreign aid to identify the key points that are in line with local conditions and strike hard in the three tough battles. Develop practical measures to complete these three crucial tasks on schedule. First, the task of tackling tough tasks. The top leaders of all levels of the standing committee and government hold the overall responsibility for the three strenuous tasks. Achieve unified and coordinated each other, and promote each other; secondly, according to the system, sub-sectors and levels, the three key tasks will be decomposed and implemented to counties, townships,
国家正在全面实施信息化工程。政务信息化 ,企业信息化是目前的重点和热点。特别是像彩虹集团这样的大企业 ,局域网已经建成。但是在网上交流的信息量很少 ,只是一些通知、报
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